Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bringing Vinyl On Plane

Merry Christmas, Emily!

[Emily V. is a young lawyer who works at MRAX since August 2009. At the last general meeting, she had the courage to take the three minutes that were granted to denounce major malfunctions (that's a euphemism), for example the significant financial commitment from the perspective assumed decided to "launder President" (quoting a letter here from France Blanmailland, director resigned.) Christmas Eve, a favorable period for dismissals that are not too noisy, Emily V. has received his C4, without a word of explanation.]

Brussels, 23 December 2009

Spree ... for daring to protest! Inconvenient Truth, and MRAX skids ...

In this holiday season, I get a recommendation dated December 17. Small incomplete sentence: "The Board of Directors of MRAX, your employer, you hereby notifies its decision not to pursue further your trial period. Therefore, the Board concludes our contractual relationships through a notice period of seven calendar days (...) ".

No evaluation has taken place.

no prior explanation.

No maintenance, no warning.

Only back on my work, it is flattery Radouane about me when CA October 8, which I attended. Then, nothing.

Having worked as volunteer and other non-profit organization, I realize that this approach is wrong. While on probation, it is normal for an employer to at least prevent the employee the reasons for his dismissal.

MRAX by the cons, nothing stands, nothing is done rationally. What matters (and I had been clarified during my job interview) is the LOYALTY TO THE CA. It's not that I wore when I arrived in August, the office of complaints arm's length, alone, my lawyer friend was sick.

I arrived at MRAX full of good will, without knowing the conflict without knowing the board members nor permanent. I tried not to position myself in the conflict.

But the facts are very convincing quickly:

September: My colleague Mahiedine returns from sick leave. Out of curiosity, I asked where is the record of ethnic profiling in Schumann (incidents of January). He said he Nordine has worked with for many hours, he sent couriers to Radouane in January-February. He was awaiting the approval of the Board to send all complaints, but he never received a response. (See over this damning testimony Nordine Saidi, a member of the Board, on ). Mahiedine send me the different letters and emails written in January-February and reminders sent to Radwan and CA thereafter.

On 8 October, I attend Meeting of the Board. Nordine Radouane asks where are the complaints Schumann. Radwan says "Mahiedine did nothing, this is the first task of the new lawyer." I'm obviously scared of this lie is being done without blinking.

is this event that opened my eyes to the manipulation and lies easily from all members of the Board of Directors. Other incidents only confirm that feeling. Radouane insults against Didier ("dirty bastard"), the complete lack of interest in relation to my work, neglect of major complaints (Case Adecco [1] , police violence, ...), the controversial commitment of the new lawyer, the refusal to grant me a training ...

At the AGM of a st December, I can not keep quiet because this awakens in me a sense of rebellion. I know I'm risking a lot. But for me, freedom of expression, justice and truth are values more important than employment contract. Without much surprise, but with great sadness, I get this week recommended that my dismissal.

Not to mention what happens to my colleagues or the management and communication in general, which are devastating. This is at best the result of clear incompetence on the part of officers to manage an association, at worst reflects personal interests manipulators disconnected from the daily reality of MRAX.

Sad for MRAX, sad for the fight against racism, whose permanent MRAX are the last real defendants.

I wish much luck to my colleagues.

Emily Van Laer

[1] File of discrimination important when using the code BBB Adecco - Belgian Blue - for ads where they were looking for candidates' Belgo-Belgians. "

Property In Kharhghar

A former employee wrote to Hamel Powerful, Secretary of MRAX

[Carlos Ramirez, one of the oldest employees MRAX, took his pension a few months ago. He currently lives in South America.]


I see the role you play in the Mrax now, not only in your confrontation with the workers (I know very well that sometimes, workers have no reason) but the most serious of all, your support is a sinister character: Mr Radwan Bouhlal. Really, you have fallen very low. Lowest possible, it is sad, especially for a limited time you had disguised as a progressive and I have believed in the sincerity of your communist ideal.

Radouane Bouhlal, workers have discovered long ago, it is very close to the Hassan II Foundation. Hassan II disgusting character in the story, you must know, the main trick of the Green March, which made possible the annexation of Western Sahara to Morocco, responsible for a bloody repression of the people and Maghrebian serving imperialist interests in Africa . In addition the Foundation Hassan II was politically control the Maghrebian migration.

He is quite right in addressing Belmaïzi Mohamed Radwan Bouhlal "you defend the Moroccan State, which is a racist state against the Saharan (also a state of lawlessness), but you also defend the Islamist fascism. You have destroyed everything and now you are ruined. You did what you deserve "

You yourself have criticized Radouane for some of his statements in the media. The CA should have at that time to have fired.

Hamel is unfortunate that you are complicit in supporting Radwan, the late Mrax. Worse: having co-signed the dismissal of Didier.

I do not know what you think gonna win, I think the same with Elizabeth, with the end of Mrax. Nice way to pass into history.

Here in Latin America many people (dictators) have had their moment of glory, today most have fallen into the "dustbin" of history,

Others are in prison. Nobody will go to jail, do not exaggerate, but it is certain that your ex-Trotskyist comrades will report you as a traitor.

Although yours

Carlos Ramírez

Sample Vote Of Thanks After Wedding

Summary of previous episodes

can not love or Bouhlal, never the Mrax has done as much about him. Some items are worth more edifying than a long resume.

For more: Google. Several days of reading ...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Samsung Printer Drum Replace

more racist than the Mrax, you die! The system

And meanwhile, on the side of ultra-right, you leave the champagne ... Thank who?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sterilite Containers Replacement Wheels


A report on "governance issues at MRAX ", written by the former management dismissed, shows the system set up by Radouane Bouhlal to infiltrate the whole organization of work and put it under his personal control.
This text, written very plainly on its face, demonstrates reality of how President MRAX eventually paralyze the entire organization working to bring to his boot.


Older Women 5o Big Boobs

Can we still save the Mrax?

Carte blanche (Le Soir Monday, November 30, 2009) The

signatories are members of Mrax and are or were active (1) The

Mrax (Movement against Racism, Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia) saw an unprecedented crisis. This association has over sixty years, who was the pillar of the fight against racism in Belgium, has lost its legitimacy in the eyes of a growing part of civil society. Unethical, decline of pluralism, and community drift management undemocratic movement summarize the main criticisms addressed to him today. Some herald the end of this association by virtue of its deemed harmful or unnecessary, while others - including us - underscore the importance anti-racist movement to preserve a strong, independent and pluralistic face the reality of racism and discrimination in Belgium. However, wanting to save the Mrax, would still have it that he does not flee the charges he is being wrongly or rightly. For if some attacks made by a few troublemakers policy are clearly unfounded, others deserve our attention.

- Lack of ethics and values with the inadequacy of anti-racism
A strong and legitimate anti-racist movement must be beyond reproach ethically. Its mode of operation house must reflect the values it claims to defend and therefore can be considered as a matter of secondary importance, who would watch that its members and its staff. To publicly guarantee its independence, its strength and legitimacy, the antiracist movement must operate seamlessly and does not reserve its democratic values in its sole external communication. For what credit can we still grant an association which, under the media spotlight, which condemned discrimination in hiring, when in-house unions show an inequity in staff recruitment and denounce the practices of bullying? Also, what about the sincerity of its board of directors who, when he is alerted internally for months that one of their published documents would be considered anti-Semitic, waiting to be pressured by external to act?

- Denial of internal democracy
A strong anti-racist movement and legitimate, must be a model of democracy. And for a racist, democracy must always seek to collect. It can therefore be seen as a dictatorship of the majority its minorities. Or a minority on the other. Yet since the election Radouane Bouhlal President of the association in 2004 when the current crisis began, many members and workers have continued to denounce a lack of transparency, consultation and dialogue with all components and sensitivities of the General Assembly. Faced with this apparent inability to collect as many members as workers, those who did not share the views of the summit have gradually been eliminated or have grown tired of conflict and resigned. Meanwhile, we imposed (against the advice its director) management increasingly authoritarian staff by refusing any spirit of consultation in decision-making and in persisting in wanting to exclude also the workers of the General Assembly to prevent them from participating in discussions of orientation. As if this were not enough, the company was continued to undermine internal democracy Movement in recruiting with a vengeance of new members into the entourage of the president to ensure his reelection. In an association largely based on the active commitment, such a mode of operation does not reflect the exciting and enriching debates animating the midst of anti-racism, and can only damage the incentives and effectiveness of its members and its workers.

- Manipulation of anti-racism and pluralism decline
A strong anti-racist movement and legitimate, must be open and pluralistic. However, the internal diversity of Mrax is clearly threatened. Its board now claims that he is (now) a movement that would bring all the victims of discrimination to defend them. In reality, there are only a few victims that only their heads, especially those which are best represented in the association, and that guide the actions and positions of the Movement. Thus, a trade union approach to anti-racism Mrax led to neglect other forms of racism and discrimination, beginning with those affecting the most disadvantaged groups, including undocumented migrants or travelers. Far be it from us to return here in question the legitimacy of certain orientations of Mrax that sometimes echo the claims specific community, such as the right to wear or not wear religious insignia in schools by exemple.Mais if antiracist movement may deem necessary to accompany one or another minority to ensure it receives fair treatment (in defending the principle of reasonable accommodation for example), its role is not a substitute for these minorities. Not only does this approach can not avoid exacerbating the sense of victimhood or the instrumentalization of anti-racism by special interests. But more importantly, it leads finally to abandon Mrax the overarching goal of antiracism, which is seeking to gather and contribute positively to better live together in a multicultural society.

- Can we still save the Mrax?
On Tuesday 1 December, a meeting has been convened at the initiative of some members supported the current Board and its chairman Radouane Bouhlal. It will discuss whether to maintain the head of the Movement president and the few directors who have not resigned. If they get the confidence of the Assembly, all indications are that the mode of governance they have adopted and which we consider harmful, will be maintained. The more Mrax sink in the storm and lose what little legitimacy it remains outside.
If, however, a majority of members refuse, like us, the more support, a long process of reconstruction, involving all components of Mrax, can then be started to restore a positive, pluralistic and unifying the antiracism. I bet that unity will prevail over the break.

(1) All signatories of this map are white or have been active campaigners Mrax:
Abderrahmane Cherradi (former vice-president and former secretary general), Didier Laveleye (former director), Teresa Frankfort (member), Pablo Isla Villar (member), Jean-Marie Leconte (former treasurer and former coordinator), Leon Liebmann (member), Luke Malghem (former webmaster), Nicole Mayer (former Director and former Managing Director), Mohcine Bayna (former lawyer), Marco Paulsen (former leader), Carlos Ramirez (former leader), Erdem Resnais (former press secretary), Michael Staszewski (former director), Marie-Marthe Van Keirsbilck ( former deputy director), Boris Wastiau (member).
------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------

The Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on Tuesday MRAX 1/12/2009, from 18:30 to 21:30 at 29 rue Blanche, 1060 Brussels. Anyone who stands in order of contribution is entitled to attend.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Swot Analysis Of Beauty Clinics

MRAX employees are calling for help ...

MRAX employees are calling for help ... here's their press release of October 22, 2009:

despotism, autocracy, lawless zone ... That's what happened MRAX!

MRAX, Movement against Racism, Anti-Semitism and xenophobia, in general, body of human rights, is it not at odds with its own founding values?
Upon accession to the presidency Bouhlal Radwan (2004) MRAX experienced for the first time in his life (60 years), a series of strikes to protest against such improper management of human resources (unfair dismissal threat , pressure, bullying ...) and will of the president to the workers mere puppets.
For several months, the situation continues to deteriorate, several critical activities are threatened, the issue of financial survival of the association is clearly asked and workers protest against the authoritarian and autocratic undergoing MRAX. Therefore, they decided to organize a common front CNE / SETCa, to take the debate into the public observing a work stoppage this Friday, October 23, 2009 at 11am to alert all the progressive forces of society and to call an Extraordinary General Meeting, also open to former members who left discouraged, even disgusted. We call the flattening of the serious management problems that threaten our jobs and the future of the association.
We denounce
1. Failure of undocumented
2. A widespread bullying
3. The interference, non-compliance procedures and operation undemocratic
4. nepotism
5. an internal climate disastrous
6. resignations and dismissals cascade
7. hyperpersonalisation the external communication
8. Approximate management and a major financial risk

read more ...

Common Front union CNE SETCa
Representative workers affiliated MRAX

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How To Tell When A Scorpio Likes You


An article edifying, published in the journal "Perspectives" of the CCBC:

Antiracism crisis
The Movement against racism, antisemitism and xenophobia (MRAX) is facing an identity crisis in recent years . How to reconcile the universalist vision of progressive intellectuals and identity aspirations of young people from immigrant backgrounds? That is the problem that the controversial President of MRAX can not resolve.

Read more.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Diablo 2 Access Violation Problem

crisis is always the crisis MRAX

After the complaint against the director's chair for Bouhlal harassment after Cascading resignations of directors, replacing two lawyers and the administrative and financial manager, ... we learn that the director himself left the boat. All his people have finally realized they? The only one who seems ever-present, who managed to eliminate those who refuse to worship it Bouhlal, Chairman.
Perhaps, like a parasite that eats its victim from the inside, the slow killing of it also announces the departure of his executioner?
Stay tuned.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Eye Laser Surgery Cost In Malaysia

DIY greeting cards from paint color charts

I saw this DIY site and I found it very simple and pretty.

is also a way to make yourself at little cost ... The principle is simple, it is about making a greeting card from a color chart of paint found in home centers. That used in the attached photo, is a charter Behr brand sold at homedepot.
Simply cut with a punch, a shape in the charter as these flowers. Then reposition to give a nice pattern. Everything is assembled on a map made of paperboard blank white or color. The center of the flowers was garnished with a little gem ... obviously it's the basic idea and you can be inspired to make lots of interesting variations. The author specifies that the project has managed to remove the names of colors with an eraser firmly.
I'm sure many other projects could be made from color charts ... they are accessible, free and available in several styles! Good DIY!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Roulette Flash Example

Privilege Club Mini Mouse

When you register your (your) child (ren) to the club privilege Mouse your mini will be informed of promotions made by the shop, but also on the anniversary of your child, you will receive a gift card for $ 10!
The card is valid for 3 months. I am lucky that my daughter's party is consistent with the period of summer sales ... I was able to end last week, buy many items already reduced for the sidewalk sale totaling $ 25 - $ 10 (card) = $ 15! Super bargain:)
The card must be used on a $ 25 or more before taxes. The shop offers clothing for children 0-10 years, then it might be interesting to use the gift card as a gift to another child in the family if yours does not need anything ...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Which Encryption Algorithm Is The Most Secure

A Blogger knowledgeable

Waltz of resignations and dismissals continue. Particularly following the dismissal of the Director (in the strictest confidence loud), three directors slamming the door. Exit Blanmaillant France, Michel Staszewski and Francis Desmet. On the resignation of France Blanmaillant, read the minutes of Khalil Zeguendi, Radouane Bouhlal Well done, especially the hilarious response Hamel Powerful, board member of Mrax: Eject Radouane Bouhlal: it's hello Public ... How

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Post Menopause And Blood Clot

sandwich bag (or snack) reusable cloth!

You know my fiber eco ... I fell for these reusable sandwich bags, ideal for lunch boxes! The exterior is made of cotton on the ground of your choice, the interior is lined with waterproof nylon and closes with a velcro resistant and waterproof. Easy to clean, return and pass a damp cloth and sometimes, simply put in the wash.

sensation I work with my bags. Everyone found them pretty and all admitted it was a good idea. I bought mine on etsy, the shop TwoFriendsStitching , but simply write "reusable snack bag" in google to have a broad appeal. It's also very easy to do yourself with some basic sewing.

Nothing is ever perfect, so I found some points a bit negative: you can not see what the bag contains without opening it and the contents of the bag becomes wet when it's more than day it is.

I will not stop using Ziploc bags, but I'll be down a little opting for cloth bags when the type of content it will pay. Great gift idea too! ;)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tutto I Doujin Dragonball

Kiva - helping others without too involved ...

It's good to be prudent financially, everywhere, even when it comes time to give to good works. I always wanted to help, but the formulas proposed, such as World Vision seem far too engaging. Must be given a stipend every month for years ... again, I read reports saying that sometimes the money is diverted and the foundation takes a bigger profit announced, so ...

so I had always refrained .... until this morning. A friend told me about Kiva, a website offering entrepreneurs to apply for a loan allowing them to develop their business. Lenders (like me) can then lend them money (minimum U.S. $ 25), they will reimburse us little by little each month according to a schedule in advance. The money loaned to them reset to 100% and the loan is interest free. The organization asks for donations for separate management, but they are at the discretion of the lenders and not mandatory. For U.S. citizens, donations to the organization are tax deductible.

I chose to lend my $ 25 to Aida from Senegal to help his small business selling food. I possibly news of his progress throughout the loan. It should me completely repaid in July 2010. At that time, I can decide if I take my money or if I lend it to another person. Fun, simple, not too engaging ... I'm happy:)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Best Bridge Camera 2010 Uk

Homeopathy to treat disorders of children and adults alike!

Since the arrival of our baby, I discovered the homeopathic company Boiron .
I do not believe in the virtues of these products before trying them myself. I received samples at room maternity / paternity and when my daughter started painfully pierce his first tooth, I thought to give him. It seemed to me that it had done him good, although it is not easy to check:)
So, I continued to give him and when I got up all my samples I went to the raid at the pharmacy. That's when I discovered the extent of their products and I started to buy for me. I've had good results and so it passed! I have full range at home and this is my first choice when visiting small problems ... and if it persists, I return to the normal chemical and heavy artillery.
small tour of the products I tried:
- CAMILIA treats pain caused by teething.
- Coryzalia for flow / nasal congestion, sneezing
- CICADERMA for wounds, insect bites, burns
- OSCILLOCOCCINUM fever, chills, body aches, headache
- pollen allergy desensitization kit seasonal
- Stodal cough dry or oily
I have a favorite Stodal for ... Finally a "syrup" safe for the baby's cough ... and it worked fine for mine too! I know they also make a cream for diaper rash and a product against collic, but since I'm not needed I have not tested.
I would recommend them ...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

How To Play Pirates Of Caribbean On Guitar

Hiring a makeup artist to add wow to your party! Pencils

Sometimes that is in charge of organizing an event, be it a birthday party, a wedding anniversary, a baptism, wedding or even an event Corporate. Obviously, our goal is that guests enjoy themselves and are happy to be present. To do this, create events, different situations of everyday life that will generate memories ...
An excellent way to do that, especially when many children will attend, is to use the services of a professional makeup artist. That's what I did when my husband's birthday on May 2.
I've had nothing but positive comments! The children were delighted and the parents appreciated having a little respite:) Regarding tariffs, the first time is more expensive, then the following hours are much cheaper. It Remember that the makeup has to move and bring all his equipment! You can make special requests when booking, as children make balls or wear a costume. Many also offer the option to make temporary tattoos hair brush, which is of advantage enjoyed adult or adolescent, as for a burial of bachelorhood!
Here are the details of one I started:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shota Manga Online Archive

original, beautiful and especially ... Greener!

Everyone knows that we must change our habits every day to make gestures more and more "green" to ensure a fairer world bequeath to our children ... here's a new way to linger through the purchase of craft supplies!

These pencils are a favorite for me, so beautiful in their simplicity. They are made in the shape of river rocks, which allows young children to easily manipulate with their little fingers. Obviously, it is recommended to provide to children ages 3 + because they are small and could pose a choking hazard to infants.

Facts soy wax and tinted non-toxic powder from natural minerals, these pencils have vibrant colors! Depending on the angle you hold them, you can get thin or broad strokes. Made in the USA, sold in packs of 16 in a small pocket of tissue. Great gift idea;)
Visit the rest of the vendor's site to discover lots of green products originals!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Keloids Removal Successfull

washable training pants

I became interested in training pants. My daughter is trying its infancy and it made me think that the next step will be the toilet training.

Panties Driving layers differ in that it can be lowered or hauled by the child as is done with regular underwear. So he or she can go on her potty, lowering his pants and his pants while (e) alone (e)!

I started by ordering a rump of the company bummer. It is really well done with its waterproof protection outside and cotton lining that retains much damage while allowing the child to feel wet. Elastic waist. Available in several sizes. For cons, I was a little put off by the price: $ 15 per unit.

So I continued my research and I found an acceptable substitute. This is an ebay seller ( vintagethings30 ) that offer lots of training pants that have the same principle as the bummer but are much more "cheap" and manufactured in China (bummer is Quebec). Price: $ 3 each ....

differences are the quality of tissue (the cheap plastic makes a noise when the twists) and the elastic quality of the thighs and waist. As you make your choice ...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Menstrual Cramps Week 40

pork products at reduced prices!

on 10 between St-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Granby, there is an exit for the Guardian Angel location slaughter 235. This is not just a butcher, a real grocery store where we found fruit and vegetable products cooked on site, bakery items and even an impressive display of craft beer!
But the particularity of the place is pork products. All cuts of meat, in all formats, it is even possible to buy large quantities for the freezer. There are several butchers on site especially dedicated employees who provide good service customer. The place belongs to F. Menard Inc. and Agromex, producers of pigs and poultry. So you encourage local producers and avoid middlemen. After all, it's reassuring to know that the pork that is served at our family comes from Quebec and not Brazil or other countries!
If you are not already convinced, here is the argument of mass: the price. You'll find the best prices for pork. Nets $ 2.30, package of 8 chops for just $ 4, roasts, ham, bacon, rack, skewers, marinated and nature, etc. ... ground pork at a price so ridiculous to say we should do more eat other meat so the price is right!
98, Route 235 Ange-Gardien J0E

1E0 Tel.: 450-293-6695

Friday, March 20, 2009

Macaroon Microwave Recipe

Warm welcome to St. Cirq Lapopie

Model Railroad Football Field

Final preparations ... before the big day!

This Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 08:30
Bus Mobile
start of the court of the Educational Community
Notre Dame
to rally Burkina Faso by road. If children
center Koamba Zaka Ouahigouya waiting with great anticipation the arrival of the bus,
their leaders, meanwhile, are waiting as impatiently content and special medical equipment.
You, Students, Parents, Teachers, Directors, Sponsors, Donors, thank you!

Anthem For the Children Foundation, Cecile

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Polly Pocket Games Gr

high chair portable and versatile owl!

My latest find on etsy ... a wonderful high chair portable! Mylittleseat can be folded in her tiny pocket no bigger than a transport layer! Thus we carry our own high chair in the diaper bag ...

Perfect for withdrawals, as in the family restaurant. People will notice your little chair in his tissues fashion! And baby loves to eat with us on the same chairs and old.

The price is very affordable ($ 29.99 + $ 10 shipping). But is not it cute? Admit that it is a wonderful gift for new parents? ;)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Winny The Poo Waffle Iron

It works on behalf of "children's hymn" Anthem Association

To follow the journey of Paul Deprez also struggling against noma http://

How High Can A Fever Go


When people think "Children are thought life, birth, happiness, fragility, vulnerability, dependency, responsibility, smile, play, laughter, discovery, learning, future ...
In their fragility and vulnerability of children to call our responsibility as adults. They depend on us. They trust that we will take care of them ... We are all responsible for all the world's children: not only those close to us but also children elsewhere.

Each child is unique and indispensable.
If he dies, it's a gem that we lose forever. It is a lack for humanity. An empty place that can not be replaced by another.
If he suffers unjustly, is a reproach to our conscience. Even though today our consciousness seems fairly accommodate these criticisms that spring from the four corners of the earth. The suffering of children is intolerable. It should challenge us and make us react. The indifference and silence are ineligible. Because children are confident in our ability to alleviate their suffering. Because they have no other hope than we do.
When you think "Hymn" is believed hymn to life, love, solidarity, generosity, loyalty and dignity of human beings. And also to the national anthem is to say music, celebration and rejoicing.
The ethics of the Foundation of the thread of all our actions assume its primary responsibility towards children and enjoy it as a hymn dedicated to the children of the world. Never forget the fun and laughter beyond suffering, as only children know how to remind us.
This ethic, the Foundation has chosen to put it first in the service of children and sick victims of Noma disease, then children and patients suffering from other diseases.
But the Foundation could do nothing without his loyal donors and valuable donors, doctors and nurses, members of the Board of Trustees and other volunteers who form a strong chain of solidarity around the victims of Noma: that everyone receives the acknowledgment of the patients found through the smiles! Ariane
Vuagniaux, Permanent Resident in Burkina Faso.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Why Does My Cat Chewfleece Blanket

sanitary cloth towels, reusable bits of

I hesitated before trying them. However, I use cloth diapers for my daughter, it seems to me that this is not so different. But I was still a reluctance to wash my sanitary napkins ...
Then I told myself that I should at least try ... What a great idea!
So I ordered the etsy shop " sugirons " the towel illustrated in the photo. I was surprised at the quality of the product. The seams are well done, the fabric is soft, the right thickness. The wings attach with a snap. Obviously, it takes some getting used to the fact that there is no self-stabilizing sticky napkin in place. But once it is placed, it does move. The test is successful. No leaks ... It passed!

I've already ordered more so you do not rely on washing if I pressed for time. Obviously it's good for the environment and can help save money (although it's not very expensive towels Disposable ... ).

I'd say it's great if you have a low "throughput". Otherwise, at the beginning and end rules such as panty liners. I would not recommend to someone who has strong rules because I think in this case should be changed often. I've never used tampons so I was reluctant to use the famous DivaCup is the darling of environmentalists girls. The cloth napkin is my compromise. As you make your choices and decide if you're interested!