Monday, November 30, 2009

Older Women 5o Big Boobs

Can we still save the Mrax?

Carte blanche (Le Soir Monday, November 30, 2009) The

signatories are members of Mrax and are or were active (1) The

Mrax (Movement against Racism, Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia) saw an unprecedented crisis. This association has over sixty years, who was the pillar of the fight against racism in Belgium, has lost its legitimacy in the eyes of a growing part of civil society. Unethical, decline of pluralism, and community drift management undemocratic movement summarize the main criticisms addressed to him today. Some herald the end of this association by virtue of its deemed harmful or unnecessary, while others - including us - underscore the importance anti-racist movement to preserve a strong, independent and pluralistic face the reality of racism and discrimination in Belgium. However, wanting to save the Mrax, would still have it that he does not flee the charges he is being wrongly or rightly. For if some attacks made by a few troublemakers policy are clearly unfounded, others deserve our attention.

- Lack of ethics and values with the inadequacy of anti-racism
A strong and legitimate anti-racist movement must be beyond reproach ethically. Its mode of operation house must reflect the values it claims to defend and therefore can be considered as a matter of secondary importance, who would watch that its members and its staff. To publicly guarantee its independence, its strength and legitimacy, the antiracist movement must operate seamlessly and does not reserve its democratic values in its sole external communication. For what credit can we still grant an association which, under the media spotlight, which condemned discrimination in hiring, when in-house unions show an inequity in staff recruitment and denounce the practices of bullying? Also, what about the sincerity of its board of directors who, when he is alerted internally for months that one of their published documents would be considered anti-Semitic, waiting to be pressured by external to act?

- Denial of internal democracy
A strong anti-racist movement and legitimate, must be a model of democracy. And for a racist, democracy must always seek to collect. It can therefore be seen as a dictatorship of the majority its minorities. Or a minority on the other. Yet since the election Radouane Bouhlal President of the association in 2004 when the current crisis began, many members and workers have continued to denounce a lack of transparency, consultation and dialogue with all components and sensitivities of the General Assembly. Faced with this apparent inability to collect as many members as workers, those who did not share the views of the summit have gradually been eliminated or have grown tired of conflict and resigned. Meanwhile, we imposed (against the advice its director) management increasingly authoritarian staff by refusing any spirit of consultation in decision-making and in persisting in wanting to exclude also the workers of the General Assembly to prevent them from participating in discussions of orientation. As if this were not enough, the company was continued to undermine internal democracy Movement in recruiting with a vengeance of new members into the entourage of the president to ensure his reelection. In an association largely based on the active commitment, such a mode of operation does not reflect the exciting and enriching debates animating the midst of anti-racism, and can only damage the incentives and effectiveness of its members and its workers.

- Manipulation of anti-racism and pluralism decline
A strong anti-racist movement and legitimate, must be open and pluralistic. However, the internal diversity of Mrax is clearly threatened. Its board now claims that he is (now) a movement that would bring all the victims of discrimination to defend them. In reality, there are only a few victims that only their heads, especially those which are best represented in the association, and that guide the actions and positions of the Movement. Thus, a trade union approach to anti-racism Mrax led to neglect other forms of racism and discrimination, beginning with those affecting the most disadvantaged groups, including undocumented migrants or travelers. Far be it from us to return here in question the legitimacy of certain orientations of Mrax that sometimes echo the claims specific community, such as the right to wear or not wear religious insignia in schools by exemple.Mais if antiracist movement may deem necessary to accompany one or another minority to ensure it receives fair treatment (in defending the principle of reasonable accommodation for example), its role is not a substitute for these minorities. Not only does this approach can not avoid exacerbating the sense of victimhood or the instrumentalization of anti-racism by special interests. But more importantly, it leads finally to abandon Mrax the overarching goal of antiracism, which is seeking to gather and contribute positively to better live together in a multicultural society.

- Can we still save the Mrax?
On Tuesday 1 December, a meeting has been convened at the initiative of some members supported the current Board and its chairman Radouane Bouhlal. It will discuss whether to maintain the head of the Movement president and the few directors who have not resigned. If they get the confidence of the Assembly, all indications are that the mode of governance they have adopted and which we consider harmful, will be maintained. The more Mrax sink in the storm and lose what little legitimacy it remains outside.
If, however, a majority of members refuse, like us, the more support, a long process of reconstruction, involving all components of Mrax, can then be started to restore a positive, pluralistic and unifying the antiracism. I bet that unity will prevail over the break.

(1) All signatories of this map are white or have been active campaigners Mrax:
Abderrahmane Cherradi (former vice-president and former secretary general), Didier Laveleye (former director), Teresa Frankfort (member), Pablo Isla Villar (member), Jean-Marie Leconte (former treasurer and former coordinator), Leon Liebmann (member), Luke Malghem (former webmaster), Nicole Mayer (former Director and former Managing Director), Mohcine Bayna (former lawyer), Marco Paulsen (former leader), Carlos Ramirez (former leader), Erdem Resnais (former press secretary), Michael Staszewski (former director), Marie-Marthe Van Keirsbilck ( former deputy director), Boris Wastiau (member).
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The Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on Tuesday MRAX 1/12/2009, from 18:30 to 21:30 at 29 rue Blanche, 1060 Brussels. Anyone who stands in order of contribution is entitled to attend.


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