Thursday, October 22, 2009

Swot Analysis Of Beauty Clinics

MRAX employees are calling for help ...

MRAX employees are calling for help ... here's their press release of October 22, 2009:

despotism, autocracy, lawless zone ... That's what happened MRAX!

MRAX, Movement against Racism, Anti-Semitism and xenophobia, in general, body of human rights, is it not at odds with its own founding values?
Upon accession to the presidency Bouhlal Radwan (2004) MRAX experienced for the first time in his life (60 years), a series of strikes to protest against such improper management of human resources (unfair dismissal threat , pressure, bullying ...) and will of the president to the workers mere puppets.
For several months, the situation continues to deteriorate, several critical activities are threatened, the issue of financial survival of the association is clearly asked and workers protest against the authoritarian and autocratic undergoing MRAX. Therefore, they decided to organize a common front CNE / SETCa, to take the debate into the public observing a work stoppage this Friday, October 23, 2009 at 11am to alert all the progressive forces of society and to call an Extraordinary General Meeting, also open to former members who left discouraged, even disgusted. We call the flattening of the serious management problems that threaten our jobs and the future of the association.
We denounce
1. Failure of undocumented
2. A widespread bullying
3. The interference, non-compliance procedures and operation undemocratic
4. nepotism
5. an internal climate disastrous
6. resignations and dismissals cascade
7. hyperpersonalisation the external communication
8. Approximate management and a major financial risk

read more ...

Common Front union CNE SETCa
Representative workers affiliated MRAX


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