Thursday, December 24, 2009

Property In Kharhghar

A former employee wrote to Hamel Powerful, Secretary of MRAX

[Carlos Ramirez, one of the oldest employees MRAX, took his pension a few months ago. He currently lives in South America.]


I see the role you play in the Mrax now, not only in your confrontation with the workers (I know very well that sometimes, workers have no reason) but the most serious of all, your support is a sinister character: Mr Radwan Bouhlal. Really, you have fallen very low. Lowest possible, it is sad, especially for a limited time you had disguised as a progressive and I have believed in the sincerity of your communist ideal.

Radouane Bouhlal, workers have discovered long ago, it is very close to the Hassan II Foundation. Hassan II disgusting character in the story, you must know, the main trick of the Green March, which made possible the annexation of Western Sahara to Morocco, responsible for a bloody repression of the people and Maghrebian serving imperialist interests in Africa . In addition the Foundation Hassan II was politically control the Maghrebian migration.

He is quite right in addressing Belmaïzi Mohamed Radwan Bouhlal "you defend the Moroccan State, which is a racist state against the Saharan (also a state of lawlessness), but you also defend the Islamist fascism. You have destroyed everything and now you are ruined. You did what you deserve "

You yourself have criticized Radouane for some of his statements in the media. The CA should have at that time to have fired.

Hamel is unfortunate that you are complicit in supporting Radwan, the late Mrax. Worse: having co-signed the dismissal of Didier.

I do not know what you think gonna win, I think the same with Elizabeth, with the end of Mrax. Nice way to pass into history.

Here in Latin America many people (dictators) have had their moment of glory, today most have fallen into the "dustbin" of history,

Others are in prison. Nobody will go to jail, do not exaggerate, but it is certain that your ex-Trotskyist comrades will report you as a traitor.

Although yours

Carlos Ramírez


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