Monday, July 13, 2009

Roulette Flash Example

Privilege Club Mini Mouse

When you register your (your) child (ren) to the club privilege Mouse your mini will be informed of promotions made by the shop, but also on the anniversary of your child, you will receive a gift card for $ 10!
The card is valid for 3 months. I am lucky that my daughter's party is consistent with the period of summer sales ... I was able to end last week, buy many items already reduced for the sidewalk sale totaling $ 25 - $ 10 (card) = $ 15! Super bargain:)
The card must be used on a $ 25 or more before taxes. The shop offers clothing for children 0-10 years, then it might be interesting to use the gift card as a gift to another child in the family if yours does not need anything ...


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