Monday, August 23, 2010

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Angkor Dancers: most fabulous playground in the world

is a place quite unique. Men have built this temple to show their power and their genius, but the nature of their downfall was only waiting to resume his duties. The result: a unique and majestic. And the perfect place to play spies have told Emily and Marianne! Throughout the visit, they were amused to explore secret passages, climbing walls and piles of stones, hiding behind the root, sometimes admiring the sculptures they met on the road. A great playground!

Explorer in full discovery

Our family photo at Ta Prohm

Marianne and Emily sitting in full of spying

The main temple, Angkor Wat is spectacular: it is the largest religious structure in the world, and the national symbol of the Khmer nation. But it was stormed by a crowd as you can not really appreciate it - and, Pout, we were not in high season! We gave up climbing the stairs (also too steep for children) leading to the towers, seeing the tail stretched for dozens of meters.

Our family photo at Angkor Wat

We also liked Bayon, where we meet the gaze of 216 huge carved faces, but again the crowd was too dense for our taste.
The crowd in front of Angkor Wat

We were not alone, that morning, admiring the temple of Bayon ...
Other photos:

Banteay Srei
Detail of a portal carved in stone pink

Pre Rup:

Ta Prohm:

Angkor Thom

And nice meeting

Marianne lends itself gracefully the game of paparazzi

Do I have the right touch?
hot Fa ...

A bit of climb

Roluos Temples:
Back to the pool tuk-tuk:


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