" Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
Moses could not enter the Tent of Meeting because the cloud rested above it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.
lasted as long as their steps, the children of Israel journeyed, when the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle.
And when the cloud did not lift, they did not leave until it was taken up.
the cloud of the LORD was upon the tabernacle by day, and night, there was a fire in the eyes of the whole house of Israel, throughout all their journeys. "Exodus 40 :34-38
Jews this time had a tabernacle to meet their God, their Redeemer.
One of them: the high priest once a year could be in contact with the holy presence of God.
He had to have not overlooked any details on the protocol for the annual face to face.
One part forgotten and that hearing became impossible and put the existence of this priest in danger. It has
as believers, born again, confident that we have in our home this "tent of meeting" so that the glory of our God can manifest in our lives.
But as the high priest of that time, it must also meet certain conditions in order to experience this glorious encounter with God in heaven.
Here's one: "Moses said You do what the Lord has commanded, and the glory of the Lord will appear. "Leviticus 9: 6
When Aaron and his son finished off the rites and procedures in the protocol of the meeting with the Holy of Holies, and went inside the tent of meeting, will come out alive and were able to bless the people. The new alliance
also has "a protocol meeting" that must be accomplished and respected in order to experience reconciliation with God. Here
its contents:
a) Repentance.
Recognize that we have a sinful nature that can never please God, we are disobedient to his word and that we must "change direction" because we are destined to find ourselves in hell that earlier "in heaven continuing to live independent of God's will.
b) Acceptance of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Jesus, who died in our place, suffering the wrath of God for our sins and rose for our justification.
c) To devote under the Sovereignty of Jesus.
Become and remain one of his disciples until our last breath.
Living in keeping his commandments and give him the freedom to speak as he pleases in our lives to transform us into His image.
The moment we accept this protocol and put into practice, we can not help but bless the people around us that is to say, our surroundings, our neighbors, coworkers, etc. .
Since the Presence of God cover and change our heart of stone heart of flesh, we will explore radical changes in our destinies.
Accepting this new birth that makes everyone who experiences a child for adoption, you are invited to offer on the altar of consecration that transformed life.
doing so, the heat of passion from the Spirit will spend our heart so that only the Father's will, his person, his kingdom, his son become the ultimate priority of our existence.
Walk in obedience to His Word, stand on the ways of holiness and accept the various circumstances that we will incur to serve our spiritual transformation will help ensure that our existence is submerged in his glory.
In the book of Numbers, God has promised that the whole earth is full of holiness.
" But I'm alive! And the glory of the Lord will fill the whole earth. "Numbers 14: 21
One day we will see the fulfillment of this prophecy of our eyes and we rejoice with joy.
Meanwhile, God desires His glory fill our lives so that it be dedicated to the Lord never
arrange the circumstances, hardships, good times, hard times to purify us from all our independence, disbelief, rebellion, so that we become "living letters" written by His hand.
We will learn to become "partners with the Lord" to be channels of blessing to those around us.
All this will be done so that the nations around us can be touched and excited to see an affirmation that God truly exists. They will also
aware that he wishes to take an active part in the lives of those who accepted their sovereignty.
The manifestation of the glory of the Lord is made possible by a passionate love towards him, obedience to walk at any time in his ways and stay apart for Him, until our last breath.
Prayer: " Heavenly Father, thank you for coming to transform our lives so that we become a living book, whose pages are written in your hand with the words of your love and indelible ink.
So for those around us, we play the role of a "letter" that will attract them to you.
thanks for showing a facet of your glory in our lives and take complete control of our lives so that your glory breaks even more.
is in the name of Jesus we ask these interventions. Amen! "
good week under the sovereignty of the Great I am!
Jacques Brouillard
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