Sunday, August 29, 2010

Can Dogs With Scars Still Grow Hair

In Memoriam In Memoriam 3

And it continues ..

News Front, forgiveness, MRAX: Wantiez Jean, who became director after smashing the previous dismissal, was himself sacked six months after taking office.

He whispers in the corridors of the pharmacy that the President of MRAX Radouane Bouhlal, who was himself fired from his job at Ecores own, willingly engage ... Radouane Bouhlal as Managing Director and earn the position of Director MRAX and clear.

Good use of public money ...

To date,
22 employees were made redundant or MRAX them have fled since the accession to the presidency Radouane Bouhlal ...

  • Carole Grandjean, director, resigned (2004)
  • Keirsbilck Marie Van, deputy director, resigned (2005)
  • Pierre-Arnaud Perrouty, lawyer, resigned (2005)
  • Marianne GRATIA, lawyer, resigned (2005)
  • BERGALLOU Omar, leader, resigned (2005)
  • Karim Cherrad, communication, resigned (2005)
  • Luke Malghem, communication, harassment complaint, dismissed (2006)
  • AurĂ©lie Leroy , Communication, Bachelor (2006)
  • Christophe Delanghe, lawyer, career break (2008)
  • Marco PAULSEN, animation, resigned (2008)
  • Mohcine BAYNE, lawyer, resigned (2009)
  • Gino EBWELE, assistant director, graduate (2009)
  • Innocent HIGIRO, administrative and financial manager, resigned (2009)
  • Patricia MATABISI, webmaster, resigned (2008)
  • Erdem Resnais, communications officer, resigned (2009)
  • Aisha Ayari, animation, complaint for harassment, contract not renewed (2009)
  • Laela GHOZZI, entertainment, licensed (2009)
  • LAVELEYE Didier, director, harassment complaint, dismissed for serious misconduct ( 2009)
  • Emily Van Laer, lawyer, dismissed (2009)
  • Concessa Munyankindi, Assistant Director, resigned (2010) (new)
  • Eleni VALASSIDIS, manager, resigned (2010) (new)
  • John Want, director, graduate (2010) (new)
Next ...


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