Strike in MRAX
[Following the dismissal of a worker MRAX employees decide to strike for the first time in the history of the association, demanding his reinstatement, and denouncing the internal operations.]
Brussels, 6 February 2006.
Dear Member
This Monday, February 6, employees of MRAX conducted a symbolic work stoppage between 14h and 15h. Meanwhile, a strike notice has been filed to organize a day of collective action Wednesday, Feb. 22. These actions have the participation or support of 1'ensemble of permanent leadership excepted. Our decision was deliberate and was not easy. It reflects the feeling of having exhausted every means of mediation without ever having received a satisfactory answer or even positive signal. Indeed, we have relied on dialogue and tried to work well together but the crisis continues. However, anxious not to paralyze the functioning of the movement, what is more to just a few weeks of the important appointment of the Week Action Centre on Racism, we favor a symbolic one day.
The reasons for this are many and have for the most part, already been expressed in numerous letters questioning the board of directors (sent at the initiative of 1'equipe of the delegation of Association of employees or as staff). They can be summarized as follows:
1) We are dismayed by the dismissal of Luke Malghem which took effect on January 31. We find that the facts and conduct which it reported to many times have never been considered by the Board. Never questioning his - shared by many of us - have received a substantive response. Dismissal confirms this desire to deny problems rather than dealing with them. A dismissal, as further resignations will not solve the crisis through MRAX. We want to demonstrate that the arrival of seven employees in the course of 1'annee past has not led to an easing of tensions, far from it. This data puts into perspective the serious charges of "resistance to change" that were laid was against 1'équipe. It also confirms that difficulties can be reduced to a mere conflict of people.
2) Upon hearing the decision, staff have once more - and collectively - arrested on board. The response that we received highlights critics repeatedly stated. On the one hand, we were told that the dismissal was Luke Malghem decides when AC December 20, 2005 (referring to 1'appui PV) and that our inquiry was based on the on false premises. However, we never could read the question with PV! The unintentionally humorous aspect This immune response è elusive person, access to minutes of CA and the Office constitutes precisely a longstanding claim. On the other hand, questioning the legitimacy of our inquiry ("It should be noted, for honesty, the identity of staff who signed the letter in question, not to involve those who do not supportive ") echoes a strategy denounced in a letter written by 1'equipe here over a year," it is not generating conflicts, trying to divide or to oppose the permanent them permanent or CA, monopolizing information, then spreading demonstrably false information, that momentum for completing the program will become possible MRAX "
3) Despite 1'adoption of ROI, the modus operandi of 1'association does not seem satisfactory . It has been thought and said at the beginning of the crisis, the pronouncements of MRAX only imperfectly reflected internal debates and exchanges. It is no longer the case today, these debates and exchanges tend to disappear, more by fatigue than disinterest. Indeed, except under the Commissions of reflection introduced following the last AGM (commissions very little traffic) substantive discussions are rare in local MRAX. It is symptomatic that such employees are sometimes aware of the positions taken by 1'association reading the newspapers ... Hyperactivity media developed during the second half of 2005 can not disguise the lack of thought and vision long term.
By asking this, we are not giving way questions the decision-making powers conferred on bodies defined. We simply emphasize that, in an association based largely on 1'engagement staff, such a mode of operation does not reflect the exciting debates animating the mid-racism and 1'anti can only affect our motivation and our effectiveness.
4) We also deplore the escalation of poor relations between staff and management at large. Without going into details and examples of this trend, it is clear that many of us to worry about current management methods and sense a lack of mutual trust. Unwilling to sink into conflict custom, we are willing to work towards seeking solutions that enable management to be, beyond a set of people running, a body that brings projects, coordinates and breathes the spirit MRAX.
early 2005, we posed as finding that some employees were "discouraged by the working conditions and prospects, feeling neither heard nor understood nor really respected." A year later, some have left and others have replaced them but the fact remains valid. Following our inquiries at the time, and a meeting with CA employees had been organized. These exchanges, qualified by the Board of francs and muscles were allowed to sketch some ideas likely to respond to ill-being expressed. He unfortunately did not happen. Among the solutions
mentioned, the Board of Directors expressed the hope that a permanent or present at its meetings. While this option seems to us essential to resume dialogue and find a bit of mutual trust, especially during a sensitive period that we are experiencing, it has been withdrawn without explanation in recent times (the inquiry Net sales by the union delegation that followed, Dec. 24 remained unanswered to this day).
Following this same meeting, the Board decided to initiate a debate "even broader" on all topics background occupying the association and promised a better flow of information, especially through the rapid provision of minutes. We know what happened to these declarations of intent.
Another desire of the board deserves some attention here somewhat: conducting an institutional analysis. Rejected at first by part of the team, this proposal was passed by the General Assembly last October 8. The team, which has not been consulted on the matter since then, welcomes this decision. We are aware that the movement has, at all times, been crossed by internal turbulence (which association can claim to function without conflict, let alone working on a sensitive subject?). We are convinced that when institutional analysis can be beneficial. Nevertheless, we reiterate that this solution is only partial and can not be concealed as economic difficulties inseparable from a particular context.
In conclusion, more than ever willing to work with mutual respect and in harmony with the objectives we all share, we demand:
- a deep questioning of the real situation and by the organs decision-making: when, despite the departure of 'troublemakers', 'manipulative' and other 'conspirators' discomfort persists, it should examine its real sources.
- the development of concrete proposals on methods of work, 1'organisation of 1'equipe and management personnel in order to best use the potential 1'equipe and serve the objectives of the movement. The meeting AC / permanent place in March 2005 and the follow-up given to it in this respect, a perfect example-cons from our expectations.
- the reinstatement of Luc Malghem.
we gladly make available to any member who wishes to engage or get on with the search for constructive solutions. Moreover, we encourage you to perform these steps. We also expect you, after this inquiry, making concrete responsibility. Thank you for
1'attention brought to this mail and to our efforts, please accept, dear members, 1'expression our most sincere greetings.
Team permanents
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