Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Back And Front Wrdgies Chickdls

Vs. Samuel R. Bouhlal - The president of the cord breaks MRAX media

[When looking for the stunt involved the spread of hate speech against Islam and Muslims or how to help combat what they claim ...]

March 5, Radwan Bouhlal accepts invitation Pascal Vrebos to discuss with Father Samuel sulfur on the board Controversy (RTL). Total inconsistency in the President's Chief of MRAX, which recently not hesitate to seize initiative while the Moroccan establishment to denounce the claims of a debate De Winter on tour in the Maghreb, and which, itself, at the earliest opportunity, no problem to run a TV studio to serve as do- submitted to a priest self-reported Islamophobic - and prosecuted for incitement to racial hatred (1). Incoherence or calculation of total fire firebrand strapped pub? Still, one understands how bad the president has endorsed Bouhlal GC MRAX to participate actively to break the cordon in the French media ...

(1) Complaint filed by the Centre for Equal Opportunities and the Fight against Racism, whose officials will have them, the good taste to decline the invitation to debate show on Sunday afternoon ...


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