Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Many Hours Does An 8.5kg Gas Bottle Last

Religion No. 11. Some new irons. GENERIC IRON

Passion de N.-S. Jésus Christ suivant la concorde des quatre évangélistes précédée d'un pèlerinage à Jérusalem illustrée par F.Overbeck

Another short tour

continue our walk in the religious works which certainly does not lack in Cartonnages Romantics. All

First morocco a nice preamble containing a travel to the holy places where the author is none other than Emile Bédollière the best-known for his book-History of Mother Michel (New Store for Children, Hetzel, 1846) gone down in history or his works in Paris and its environs illustrated by Gustave Doré.

Author: BEDOLLIERE ( The)
Title: Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the concord of the four evangelists
preceded by a pilgrimage to Jerusalem illustrated by F. Overbeck
Edition: Paris. L. Curmer. 1843.
Format: One volume In-8 ° (164x265)
Collation: steel engraving on the frontispiece and half title, title, LVJ (trip to Jerusalem)
, 80 pp;, (Passion of Our Lord), 7 engraved plates on buff paper cardboard,
numerous vignettes, headbands and decorated letters.
Description morocco gilt. Irons
not signés.Spécifiques.
Front: In a rectangular frame of scrolls in the center three angels
held a poster containing the title.
Back: Pampres.
Back: Same as front except that the poster contains a bust of Jesus
head to the crown of thorns.
Comments: Reference biblio-iconographic No. 218. Currently, I only know this
copy as there was no other reference.

Let's now one of the first books published by Curmer, The Holy Gospels and first
a fine copy in blue morocco by Riviere night connected with plates of gold Thouvenon:

Author: DASSANCE (Abbot)
Title: Saints Gospels translated from the Vulgate by Mr. L'Abbe Dassance, vicar- General Montpellier illustrated by MM. Tony Johannot, Cavelier, Gérard-Séguin and Brevière.
Edition: Paris. L. Curmer. 1836.
Format: Two volumes in-8 ° (166x265)
Collation: Half-title, engraved frontispiece and golden colored lithograph, title, LXXX-263 pp., 440 pp.,
text framed by a lace wood-engraved with foliage and vignettes.
each evangelist is illustrated with a frontispiece spécial.In fine in Volume II, a trip to Jerusalem and the holy places
with inset into two colored maps of Palestine and Places Saints
and nine steel engravings mounted on cardboard box and under curve, stickers and banners.
Description: navy blue morocco gilt. Signed bindings of Rivage.
Irons signed Thouvenin (?) On Volume I. Specific.
Front: In a rich rectangular frame of vines dotted with heads of cherubs,
objects of worship and angels, center cartouche with Jesus carrying his cross up to
Volume I and The Virgin Mary standing in Volume II .
Back: scrolls, title and cross.
Verso: the same frame at the front, center the cartridge contains the instruments of the Passion.
Comments: iconography Library No. 219. Christie's sale of May 27, 2002, No. 87, est. 3000 to 4500 Euros
. Carteret III, page 224.
Rarity: Indice de rareté : 5
Les saints évangiles traduits de la vulgate par M. L'Abbé Dassance, vicaire-général de Montpellier illustrés par MM. Tony Johannot, Cavelier, Gérard-Séguin et Brevière.

To compare, look the same as always in two volumes but with the boards editor
which is not longer very common.

Author: DASSANCE (Abbot).
Title: Saints Gospels translated from the Vulgate by Mr. L'Abbe Dassance, vicar-general of Montpellier illustrated by MM. Tony Johannot, Cavelier, Gérard-Séguin and Brevière.
Edition: Paris. L. Curmer. 1836.
Format: Two volumes in-8 ° (166x265)
Collation: Half-title, frontispiece and engraved gold colored lithograph, Title, LXXX-263 pp., 440 pp., text framed by a lace wood-engraved with foliage and vignettes. Each evangelist is illustrated with a frontispiece
spécial.In fine in Volume II, a trip to Jerusalem and the holy places with off-
text two colored maps of Palestine and the Holy Places and nine steel engravings mounted
cardboard box and under curve, stickers and banners.
Description: Cardboard editor.
Irons unsigned.
The cover of your yellow decorated the front as the back of a decoration to frame with sepia print in blue, the back with a cross in the center.
Comments: iconography Library No. 220. Carteret III, page 224.
Rarity: Indice de rareté : 4
Les saints évangiles traduits de la vulgate par M. L'Abbé Dassance, vicaire-général de Montpellier illustrés par MM. Tony Johannot, Cavelier, Gérard-Séguin et Brevière.

Finally to finish this walk Sunday, with a large portfolio of irons with the engraving
is extremely fine, irons unfortunately unsigned, but used and probably ordered
by Magnier, bookbinder.

Title: Album extract Religious History of Painters of all Schools.
Edition: Paris. Veuve Jules Renouard library. sd.
Format: A volume in-folio (350x257)
Collation: half title, title and 36 engraved plates of reproductions of religious paintings of famous painters
: Durer, Bassano, Veronese, Carracci, Rubens, Zurbaran, Murillo, Van Dyck, ... etc. ..
Description: buckram gilt and mosaic. Unsigned
Irons with great finesse. Spécifiques.Reliure signed Magnier.
Front: In the shape of a triumphal arch. Top two evangelists flanking a Bible open
under a chandelier. On the entablature, the center medallion Jesus. Two columns flanked by angels determine a Gothic space containing the title. Another angel sitting at the center of the entablature
below. Different medallions. Of vines around the iron.
Back: Curls.
Verso: Plumes creating a pattern of two medallions separated by a streamer. in the medallions, angels.
Comments: iconography Library No. 221.
Rarity: Indice de rareté : 5
Album Religieux extrait de l'Histoire des Peintres de toutes les Ecoles.

soon for another batch of irons on religious books to carectère


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