Monday, February 28, 2011

Herpes Hives Symptoms

In the Putin system

And the winner is ...

After six months (!) A recruitment process that has seen dozens of candidates of the highest quality, the selection committee chaired by Radouane Bouhlal was pleased to communication (as discreetly as possible) the name of the new Director of MRAX: the lucky name ... Radouane Bouhlal. A thought for the employees of MRAX, and also for all the poor-are asking who lost their time in this final guignolade.

is grotesque: the president of MRAX became director of MRAX!

Forced to have announced his resignation as president, Radwan BOUHLAL, also had recently quit post of Managing Director (paid). Everything had been put in place, starting with the development of the Statutes and Internal Rules. But the maneuver ultimately proved too blatant and estimates of the association is increasingly fragile, it was risky as it refuses the French Community to fund this new position of Managing Director on its grants. The former president and ex-future managing director, has had to resolve to take the post of Director. This explains why the last incumbent director (John Wantier) had been hastily dismissed.

In reality, it was almost 7 years Radouane Bouhlal eyeing the post of Director of MRAX. Already in 2004, only the president (then honorary q'il himself was unemployed), and after pushing out Carole Grandjean, he had almost resumed his role as director. But even his friends at the time he had been advised, as the transaction has already appeared suspicious. Yet during the years that followed, he did not abandon this project, which is why he never becoming engaged in a professional career. After coming to eject a second director (Didier Laveleye), he realized his dream he had suddenly become inaccessible, the position of Director of sub MRAX status is ACS, a status it had lost since he was hired to Ecores! He then came to the idea of creating a new post MRAX that is above that of director, but that is also paid: Managing Director! And he launched a major reform of the Statutes and Internal Rules in order to make his dream possible. Alas, in the meantime, the horizon budget of the association having worsened, this track became hazardous. He was then fired himself from his job (to recover its status GBA) ejecta and a third director ... (JW). And now there's finally here! Bravo!


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