Monday, February 28, 2011

Herpes Hives Symptoms

In the Putin system

And the winner is ...

After six months (!) A recruitment process that has seen dozens of candidates of the highest quality, the selection committee chaired by Radouane Bouhlal was pleased to communication (as discreetly as possible) the name of the new Director of MRAX: the lucky name ... Radouane Bouhlal. A thought for the employees of MRAX, and also for all the poor-are asking who lost their time in this final guignolade.

is grotesque: the president of MRAX became director of MRAX!

Forced to have announced his resignation as president, Radwan BOUHLAL, also had recently quit post of Managing Director (paid). Everything had been put in place, starting with the development of the Statutes and Internal Rules. But the maneuver ultimately proved too blatant and estimates of the association is increasingly fragile, it was risky as it refuses the French Community to fund this new position of Managing Director on its grants. The former president and ex-future managing director, has had to resolve to take the post of Director. This explains why the last incumbent director (John Wantier) had been hastily dismissed.

In reality, it was almost 7 years Radouane Bouhlal eyeing the post of Director of MRAX. Already in 2004, only the president (then honorary q'il himself was unemployed), and after pushing out Carole Grandjean, he had almost resumed his role as director. But even his friends at the time he had been advised, as the transaction has already appeared suspicious. Yet during the years that followed, he did not abandon this project, which is why he never becoming engaged in a professional career. After coming to eject a second director (Didier Laveleye), he realized his dream he had suddenly become inaccessible, the position of Director of sub MRAX status is ACS, a status it had lost since he was hired to Ecores! He then came to the idea of creating a new post MRAX that is above that of director, but that is also paid: Managing Director! And he launched a major reform of the Statutes and Internal Rules in order to make his dream possible. Alas, in the meantime, the horizon budget of the association having worsened, this track became hazardous. He was then fired himself from his job (to recover its status GBA) ejecta and a third director ... (JW). And now there's finally here! Bravo!

Europe Sharking For Ipod


Iron Haarhaus signed (in the scroll at the bottom, right)

Scenery scrolls, branches and birds included a pergola garden. Obviously central styled irons or specific flanked by two chapels on either flower vases or characters.
top, bowl of flowers and two birds. Downstairs in the central entablature scrolls and scrolls.
Mosaic or not.

Width: (at the entablature) 116

Height: 191

Met on the following books:

N ° 1 GENLIS (Mrs). Evenings on Castle. Paris, Belin-Leprieur & Morizot, 1848.
a large volume in-8 ° (250x156). No mosaic. Characters in the chapels and Berger girl.
bouquet of flowers in the center under the title.

Similar No. 2 to No. 1 but the 1851 edition. A volume in-8 ° (244x149). Mosaic. Flower vases
in the chapels, as the center.

No. 3 DELHOMME (Ch). Fables de Florian. Paris, Librairie Picturesque Youth, 1847.
A volume in-8 ° (246x148). No mosaic. Characters in the chapels: Two Children.
bouquet of flowers at center under the title.

No. 4 THE FOUNTAIN. Fables. Paris, Librairie de la Jeunesse, 1851. A volume in-8 ° (244x149)
No mosaic. Characters in the chapels Berger and Fox / Raven.
bust of La Fontaine in the center. Untitled.

No. 5 FOA (Eugenie). Evenings in Old Castle. Paris, Youth Library, 1848.
A volume in-8 ° (241x150). No mosaic. Flower vases in the chapels. Untitled.

CHAMPAGNAC No. 6. Mornings Spring. Paris, P.-C. Lehuby, 1847. A volume in-8 °
(260x151). No mosaic. Characters in the chapels Berger and Fox / Raven.
flower bouquet in the center under the title.

Souvestre No. 7 (Emile). Le Foyer Breton. Paris, W. Coquebert nd a small volume in-8 °
(235x145). No mosaic. Flower vases in the chapels. Untitled center.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hydrogen Peroxide On Genitals

See the glory of God, the experiment individually and collectively and die in disobedience is that possible?

's a profound question to which we should meditate and seek confirmation of that stated by the Word of God.

It includes several aspects that can change the course of a life. We all sighed

to taste the adventure where the Presence of the Lord is felt at every moment.

It is believed that this experiment to see the glory of God in action will prevent us from choosing the path of insubordination and that we will reach a level of perfection unparalleled in history.

Living our eyes and see the hand of our Father act gloriously in our community and hope that these actions bring winds of change continue to be a latent desire in the evangelical community, but do these interventions really glorious change people's heart?

For some people, these actions will have a tremendous impact, but for many, over time they will not have the desired effect.

Here is an example from the Word of God.

" Anyone who saw my glory and the wonders that I made in Egypt and the desert, who have already tried ten times, and have not obeyed my voice, all of them shall see the land I swore to their forefathers to give them, all those who despise me will not see the point. And because my servant Caleb has been animated by another spirit, and he followed me fully, I will enter the country where he went, and his descendants shall possess it. "Number 14:22-24

In reading these verses, it is understandable that a group of men, women and children have witnessed many powerful actions on the part of the Lord from first confrontation with Pharaoh of Moses until the arrival border of the Promised Land.

They saw with their own eyes the power of God displayed during the events of the ten plagues that forced the ruler of the time to free the Hebrew people that they serve the Lord of hosts.

They contemplated the destruction of Egyptian troops when the sea covered them.

They danced and sang the newly gained freedom on the banks of which came ashore the bodies of their persecutors.

However, in the days that followed they began to murmur against God and how He led them in the desert.

They feel the thirst and instead of quietly confide in the Lord that He provides for this need time, they came to Moses and they almost stoned due to their frustration and lack of trust in Him who had delivered them from Pharaoh's hand.

Pure water gushed out of the flinty rock in the solitude of rocks and sand, but they do not repent of their rebellious attitude.

Then one day, hunger made its appearance in the camp.

Since some weeks, the reserves reported in Egypt gradually exhausted.

There on the path leading them to the promised land, under the shadow of a cloud reflecting the true presence of God, they rebelled again, because foods made themselves scarce. Their words were

hard against their Savior and they doubted his kindness to them.

God gave them manna to fall from the sky, an extraordinary food that ensured their survival in the wilderness alone.

But one day, a group designated as "bunch of people, those who have benefited from the departure of the Hebrews to escape the clutches of Egypt began to murmur cons manna from God.

"The bunch of people who were in the midst of Israel was filled with lust, and even the children of Israel wept again and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat? We remember the fish we ate in Egypt, and that cost us nothing, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. Now, our soul is dried: nothing! Our eyes see only the manna. Moses heard the people crying, everyone in his family and to the entrance of his tent. "
Number 11 :4-6, 10

God was very patient with them despite their ingratitude. He bore their disbelief to the borders of the Promised Land.

There, there, the people put a climax to their skepticism by refusing to fight the inhabitants of the promised land despite the extraordinary reports of Joshua and Caleb on these blessed places.

Let's read the summary of Moses on the situation that prevailed at the border of the Promised Land:

" I tell you: You've arrived at the mountain of the Amorites, which the LORD our God gives us.

Behold, the Lord your God, put the country before thee up, take possession, as you said the Lord, the God of thy fathers: fear not, neither be dismayed.

You all came near me, and you say: Let us send men before us, to explore the country, and we report on the way by which we assemble and cities where we arrive.

This review seemed good, and I took twelve men of you, one man from each tribe.

They left, crossed the mountain, and came to the valley of Eshcol, they explored.

they took in their hands the fruits of the country, and we presented And they gave us a report, saying: This is a good land which the LORD our God gives us.

But you would not go up, and you rebelled against the commandment of the LORD your God.

You murmured in your tents, and you say: Because the LORD hated us, he brought us out of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us.

Where are we going up? Our brothers have made us lose heart, saying: That people are bigger and taller than us, the cities are great and walled up heaven, we've even seen children of Anak.

I tell you: Do not be alarmed, and do not be afraid of them.

The Lord your God who goes before you even fight him for you, as all he has done for you in Egypt before your eyes, then into the wilderness where you saw that the LORD thy God brought you as a man carries his son, all the way you did until you came to this place.

yet you had no trust in the Lord your God, who went before you on the road to find you a place to camp, the night in a fire in order to show you the path where you were walking, and the day in a cloud.

the LORD heard the sound of your words. He was angry and swore, saying: None of the men of this evil generation shall see the good land I swore to your fathers, except Caleb, son of Jephunneh he will see him, and I will him and his children the country over which he walked, because he wholly followed the LORD.

And your grandchildren, you said should be a prey! And your son, who now know neither good nor evil, they are the ones who come is to them that I give it, and it is they who possess it.

But you, turn you, and go to the desert in the direction of the Red Sea. You

remained in Kadesh, where the time you spent there was long term.

We turned, and we left for the desert, by the way of the Red Sea, as the LORD had commanded me; long we followed the contours of the mountain of Seir.

time that lasted our steps from Kadesh-Barnea crossing the brook Zered was thirty-eight years, until the whole generation men of war had disappeared from the camp, as the LORD had sworn to them.

The hand of the LORD was against them to destroy them from the camp, until they disappeared.

Deuteronomy 1 :20-36, 39 to 40.46 / 2: 1.14 to 15

You see the attitude of the heart of this people?

Despite abundant evidence that the Lord was indeed the author of this extraordinary project to give them a country after the assets from the yoke of Egypt, they refused to put their trust in the Lord of hosts.

" The Lord your God who goes before you even fight him for you, as all he has done for you in Egypt before your eyes, then into the wilderness where you saw that the LORD your God brought you as a man carries his son, all the way you did until you came to this place.

yet you had no trust in the Lord your God, who went before you on the road to find you a place to camp overnight in a fire in order to show you the path where you had to walk, and day in a cloud.

So to answer the question :

" See the glory of God, the experiment individually and collectively and die in disobedience is this possible? "

Yes it is possible that the purpose of our existence on this earth is going on in utter disbelief disobedience with a heart hardened by sin and lack of confidence in our Redeemer.

We received the most wonderful gift in Jesus Christ: the gift of faith that allows us to build a personal relationship with the God of heaven and earth. Remain passionate

the Word of God that nourishes and makes this faith grow and keep our precious heart just like a child to capture the promises of our great God and remain faithful to him until the fulfillment of His Word in the heart of our lives.


" Thank you Father, for allowing us to see that despite the size of a demonstration of your glory, our heart can become hard as a rock in disbelief.

We want to trust you for every aspect of our lives, remained dependent on your person, patient, despite the turmoil.

We do not want to end our days in a desert spiritual, far from the abundance of your promises, get dry like old vines, lie on the sand of our doubts about the goodness of your person.

Guard our hearts close to yours, Father so that we grow spiritually by receiving an unshakable faith through your actions permitted in our lives.

Agis freely to transform us into the image of your beloved.

In the name of Jesus that we lift this prayer to you, Father, trusting that you will accomplish what you promised for our destinies.


good week in the abundance in person!


Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Many Hours Does An 8.5kg Gas Bottle Last

Religion No. 11. Some new irons. GENERIC IRON

Passion de N.-S. Jésus Christ suivant la concorde des quatre évangélistes précédée d'un pèlerinage à Jérusalem illustrée par F.Overbeck

Another short tour

continue our walk in the religious works which certainly does not lack in Cartonnages Romantics. All

First morocco a nice preamble containing a travel to the holy places where the author is none other than Emile Bédollière the best-known for his book-History of Mother Michel (New Store for Children, Hetzel, 1846) gone down in history or his works in Paris and its environs illustrated by Gustave Doré.

Author: BEDOLLIERE ( The)
Title: Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the concord of the four evangelists
preceded by a pilgrimage to Jerusalem illustrated by F. Overbeck
Edition: Paris. L. Curmer. 1843.
Format: One volume In-8 ° (164x265)
Collation: steel engraving on the frontispiece and half title, title, LVJ (trip to Jerusalem)
, 80 pp;, (Passion of Our Lord), 7 engraved plates on buff paper cardboard,
numerous vignettes, headbands and decorated letters.
Description morocco gilt. Irons
not signés.Spécifiques.
Front: In a rectangular frame of scrolls in the center three angels
held a poster containing the title.
Back: Pampres.
Back: Same as front except that the poster contains a bust of Jesus
head to the crown of thorns.
Comments: Reference biblio-iconographic No. 218. Currently, I only know this
copy as there was no other reference.

Let's now one of the first books published by Curmer, The Holy Gospels and first
a fine copy in blue morocco by Riviere night connected with plates of gold Thouvenon:

Author: DASSANCE (Abbot)
Title: Saints Gospels translated from the Vulgate by Mr. L'Abbe Dassance, vicar- General Montpellier illustrated by MM. Tony Johannot, Cavelier, Gérard-Séguin and Brevière.
Edition: Paris. L. Curmer. 1836.
Format: Two volumes in-8 ° (166x265)
Collation: Half-title, engraved frontispiece and golden colored lithograph, title, LXXX-263 pp., 440 pp.,
text framed by a lace wood-engraved with foliage and vignettes.
each evangelist is illustrated with a frontispiece spécial.In fine in Volume II, a trip to Jerusalem and the holy places
with inset into two colored maps of Palestine and Places Saints
and nine steel engravings mounted on cardboard box and under curve, stickers and banners.
Description: navy blue morocco gilt. Signed bindings of Rivage.
Irons signed Thouvenin (?) On Volume I. Specific.
Front: In a rich rectangular frame of vines dotted with heads of cherubs,
objects of worship and angels, center cartouche with Jesus carrying his cross up to
Volume I and The Virgin Mary standing in Volume II .
Back: scrolls, title and cross.
Verso: the same frame at the front, center the cartridge contains the instruments of the Passion.
Comments: iconography Library No. 219. Christie's sale of May 27, 2002, No. 87, est. 3000 to 4500 Euros
. Carteret III, page 224.
Rarity: Indice de rareté : 5
Les saints évangiles traduits de la vulgate par M. L'Abbé Dassance, vicaire-général de Montpellier illustrés par MM. Tony Johannot, Cavelier, Gérard-Séguin et Brevière.

To compare, look the same as always in two volumes but with the boards editor
which is not longer very common.

Author: DASSANCE (Abbot).
Title: Saints Gospels translated from the Vulgate by Mr. L'Abbe Dassance, vicar-general of Montpellier illustrated by MM. Tony Johannot, Cavelier, Gérard-Séguin and Brevière.
Edition: Paris. L. Curmer. 1836.
Format: Two volumes in-8 ° (166x265)
Collation: Half-title, frontispiece and engraved gold colored lithograph, Title, LXXX-263 pp., 440 pp., text framed by a lace wood-engraved with foliage and vignettes. Each evangelist is illustrated with a frontispiece
spécial.In fine in Volume II, a trip to Jerusalem and the holy places with off-
text two colored maps of Palestine and the Holy Places and nine steel engravings mounted
cardboard box and under curve, stickers and banners.
Description: Cardboard editor.
Irons unsigned.
The cover of your yellow decorated the front as the back of a decoration to frame with sepia print in blue, the back with a cross in the center.
Comments: iconography Library No. 220. Carteret III, page 224.
Rarity: Indice de rareté : 4
Les saints évangiles traduits de la vulgate par M. L'Abbé Dassance, vicaire-général de Montpellier illustrés par MM. Tony Johannot, Cavelier, Gérard-Séguin et Brevière.

Finally to finish this walk Sunday, with a large portfolio of irons with the engraving
is extremely fine, irons unfortunately unsigned, but used and probably ordered
by Magnier, bookbinder.

Title: Album extract Religious History of Painters of all Schools.
Edition: Paris. Veuve Jules Renouard library. sd.
Format: A volume in-folio (350x257)
Collation: half title, title and 36 engraved plates of reproductions of religious paintings of famous painters
: Durer, Bassano, Veronese, Carracci, Rubens, Zurbaran, Murillo, Van Dyck, ... etc. ..
Description: buckram gilt and mosaic. Unsigned
Irons with great finesse. Spécifiques.Reliure signed Magnier.
Front: In the shape of a triumphal arch. Top two evangelists flanking a Bible open
under a chandelier. On the entablature, the center medallion Jesus. Two columns flanked by angels determine a Gothic space containing the title. Another angel sitting at the center of the entablature
below. Different medallions. Of vines around the iron.
Back: Curls.
Verso: Plumes creating a pattern of two medallions separated by a streamer. in the medallions, angels.
Comments: iconography Library No. 221.
Rarity: Indice de rareté : 5
Album Religieux extrait de l'Histoire des Peintres de toutes les Ecoles.

soon for another batch of irons on religious books to carectère

Américan Dad Doujin

. FACE # 10

Iron Haarhauss Signed (on the entablature above and left) & Lenegre (Rel.)

Decor rectangular branches in whorls with four cartridges in the corners, both
upper oval, both less rectangular. Framing shaped central shield bearing the title.
top of the decor, two child performers, one reading, the other painting. Mosaic or not.

Width: 84 Height

: 150

Met on the following books:

No. 1. Saillet OF (Alexander). Merit children. Paris, P.-C.-Lehuby, 1846. A volume in-8 °
(243x155). Mosaic.

No. 2. CHABOCHE Demerville (J.). Pantheon of Youth. Paris, Au Bureau Hall of Fame
Youth, 1845. a large volume in-8 ° (261x164). No mosaic. On some copies of the iron
two children is replaced by an iron contained a trophy.

No. 3 STEPHEN OF MADELEINE. A portion of the season. Print Travel from Paris to
Suresnes. Paris, Belin-Leprieur & Morizot, 1847. A volume in-8 ° (244x153). Mosaic.

BOUILLY No. 4. The Encouragement of Youth. Paris, Veuve Louis Janet, nd Volume An In-8 °
(240x148). Mosaic.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How To Suck You Own Dick

Religion and childlike. Saints

Cartonnages The number of romantic books on faith and religion is significant.
The time is the rechristanisation. All social strata are covered. We bathed in the beautiful feelings and morality. The Catholic education of children and young people is a priority. The government of Napoleon III builds on the church to counter the evolution of republican ideas.
congréanistes schools thrive. All major publishers of books for youth, Mame Tours, Barbou & Martial in Limoges Ardant, Lefort Lille, Rouen Mégard, Lehuby in Paris rush into this market and create collections for specific, among others, the awards ceremony. Each publisher based on a religious recommendation. Ardant is published with the approval of the Archbishop of Bordeaux, Barbou under that of the Bishop of Limoges, Lefort is recommended by His Eminence, Girard Cardinal, Archbishop of Cambrai, Lehuby which is clearly not a religious publishing house out under the patronage of His Eminence Archbishop Cardinal Prince de Croy and when to Mame who said "never have printed a line against religion or morality, on the contrary, I always wanted to serve ... "his collections under the auspices of the Archbishop of Tours. In its gigantic workshops, productions were widely circulated. Was stored to meet the huge orders of books of piety for Easter and first communions. The various collections Mame sold buckram boards, as the library of the Christian Youth totaling in sizes in-8 ° and 12 ° In-hundred and sixty four volumes, or of Christian Schools in In-12 ° hundred thirty nine volumes are adorned with "special shoes" relatively simple and often very generic on the front as the back. Some beautiful irons most spectacular summers engraved by Damot, Hérou, Casimir and Berger, Tambon.

Let us first several books or editions of "Lives of Saints".

Reference libraries iconography No. 212.

A uthor: LAWRENCE (Abbot)
Title: Lives of Saints for every day of the year of practices and a prayer
the end of every life. New edition revised and enlarged.
Edition: Limoges and Paris. In Martial Ardant Brothers. 1856.
Format: A volume large In-4 ° (184x285)
Collation: 446 pp., steel engraving frontispiece, engraved title (1857), three engraved plates on chine applied.
Description: buckram gilt and mosaic.
Irons signed Casimir and Berger
Front: In an interlaced with vines, a rectangular window in the center flanked on
cardinal four oval medallions. In the window, the Holy Scene in the medallions Saints drafting.
Back: Swirls
Verso: iron generic face No. 40 on the back
Comments: not identical, the iron front a few analogies with iron, signed by the same engravers and adorning the front of my edition of Travel Window Arsene Houssaye
published in Victor Lecou in 1851.

Author: LAWRENCE (Abbot)
Title: Lives of the Saints for every day of the year with practices and a prayer at the end of each life. New edition revised and enlarged.
Edition: Limoges and Paris. In Martial Ardant Brothers. 1853.

Format: a large volume in-4 ° (183x284)

Collation: 446 pp., Steel engraving on the frontispiece, seven engraved plates applied on vellum

Description: buckram gilt and mosaic.
Irons unsigned.
Front: Reliquary on pedestal. Iron generic face No. 40
Back: Verso
Curls: Cross, Christ's head in center. Iron generic back No. 26

Comments: Library iconography No. 213

Vies des saints pour tous les jours de l'année avec des pratiques et une prière à la fin de chaque vie. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée.

Author: LAWRENCE (Abbot)
Title: Lives of the Saints for every day of the year of practices and a prayer at the end of each life. New edition revised and enlarged.
Edition: Limoges and Paris. In Martial Ardant Brothers. 1856.
Format: a large volume in-4 ° (184x286)
Collation: 446pp., Steel engraving frontispiece, three engravings applied on vellum inset box.
Description: buckram gilt and mosaic.
Irons unsigned.
Recto: the center of a complex floral wreaths and crosses, an oval with Christ carrying his cross, virgin and child. Generic front iron No. 38
Back: scrolls. religious medallion bust.
Verso: Iron generic back No. 25
Comments: Cardboard completely identical to No. 211 in the catalog, lesServiteurs Mary.
Library iconography No. 214
Vies des saints pour tous les jours de l'année avec des pratiques et une prière à la fin de chaque vie. Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée.

Author: Rabiller (Victor Abbot)

Title: The Servants of Mary

Edition: Limoges and Paris. In Martial Ardant Brothers. 1857.

Format: a large volume in-4 ° (185x285)

Collation: 208 pp., Text box, steel engraving on the frontispiece, three steel engravings off text.

Description: buckram gilt and mosaic.
Irons unsigned.
Recto: the center of a complex floral wreaths and crosses, an oval with Christ carrying his cross, virgin and child. Generic front iron No. 38
Back: scrolls. religious medallion bust.
Verso: Iron generic back No. 25
Comments: Binding totally similar on Lives of Saints, same place, same publisher, 1856.
Library iconography No. 211
Les Serviteurs de Marie
Author: Jouhanneaud (Paul, Fr)
Title: Life of the very holy virgin
Edition: Limoges and Paris. In Martial Ardant Brothers.
Format: A large folio volume (255x355)
Collation: 182 pp., Text box, steel engraving on the frontispiece, eleven engravings on steel inset under curves.
Description: PERCALINE golden mosaic
Irons unsigned attributed to Casimir and Berger.
Front: In a large rectangular frame identical iron iron adorning the 1857 edition of The Lives of the Saints. The central theme and characters adorning the medallions are different. In the center, the Virgin flanked by two angels. In the medallions, various attitudes of the Virgin.
Back: Swirls and Scenes of the Passion.
Verso: Reliquary on pedestal. Iron generic face No. 40 placed in reverse.
Comments: Library iconography No. 215

Title: Lives of Saints newly written by a meeting of ecclesiastical and Catholic writers in the religious leadership of the committee appointed by the Archbishop of Paris.
Edition: Paris. A Bookstore Garnier Frères, 10 Rue de Richelieu. 1851.
Format: a large volume in-4 ° square (225x287)

Collation: unpaginated, text box of a net with numerous vignettes in text.
Description: buckram gilt.
Irons unsigned.
Front: In a geometric framework, the center cross with Christ's head. Iron generic back No. 26 applied to the front.
Back: scrolls and religious objects
Reverse: interwoven initials MA under a starry sky. Iron generic face No. 39 placed on the back here.
Comments: Library iconography No. 216
Vies des saints nouvellement écrites par une réunion d'ecclésiastiques et d'écrivains catholiques sous la direction religieuse du comité nommé par Monseigneur l'Archevêque de Paris.
Author: Gentilucci (Emidio Bishop), Honorary chamberlain of His Holiness and take advantage of the Vatican Basilica.
Title: The Perfect Legendary. Life of the Blessed Mary. Translated into French under the direction of RP by the Abbot Celeste Ventura Alix, chaplain of St. Genevieve.
Edition: Paris. Julien, Lanier & Co., Booksellers, Publishers, 4 Rue de Buci. 1855.
Format: A very large volume in-4 (233x316)
Collation: XXIII-308 pp., Steel engraving frontispiece and fifty-three steel engravings inset of Bigioli
Description: buckram gilt.
Irons unsigned.
Recto: Iron Generic
face No. 39 Back: Generic. An angel from above, the title and two cartridges with blazon and monument. We find the same on the back several cartons of which France is Mary-Lafon. It is a catch-all in Lenègre, bookbinder.
Verso: Iron generic back No. 26
Comments: Library iconography No. 217
Le Parfait Légendaire. Vie de la Trés-Sainte Marie. Traduite en Français sous la direction de R.P. Ventura par l'Abbé Celeste Alix, chapelain de Sainte Geneviève.