Generic Iron Front No. 7.
Iron unsigned.
Scenery scrolls and vines forming a central hollow, pear-shaped inverted containing the title.
Five angels in the background: two flanking bouquet sitting on top, two standing in the middle on the sides, one sitting and reading in the cartridge bottom. Mosaic or not.
Width: 115
Height: 185
Met on the following books :
No. 1. Maigrot (JB) Literary Illustrations of France. Paris, E. Ducrocq, nd A volume in-8 °
(245x116). 12 lithographs in two colors ht No mosaic.
No. 2. ANONYMOUS. The Good Angel. Ten stories written for Youth. Paris, Veuve Louis Janet,
sd A volume in-8 ° (238x152). Frontispiece and ten lithographs ht colors. No mosaic.
No. 3. Ulliac-TREMADEURE (Miss). The following works by this author are volumes
In-8 ° (240x151), all published Paris, Didier, 1854 & 1855. Recto all identical.
* Astrology and meteorology for use by young people. 8 color plates ht
* Mary or the young teacher. 12 color lithographs ht
ht * Mathilde Pauline or ugliness and beauty. Lithographs 2 colors * ht
Phenomena and metamorphoses of history natural. 8 color plates ht
Note: Some titles by this author, the back can be back with nerves of iron not ornamented romantic. Will
detailed and illustrated in the catalog.
Numerous engravings in text and off. No mosaic.
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