For years we often see in catalogs of Booksellers, that does not describe with precision gold chains adorning the romantic works buckram or grief of period 1840-1865. We simply, in most cases, a vague "golden Irons Editor" which is not very explicit. It must be admitted to the discharge of professional book that the task is not easy, most irons being composed of scrolls, foliage and vines surrounded by baroque columns and garlands in varying depictions of Gothic inspiration.
To address this gap and create a typology we reviewed hundreds of books and attempted to classify the chains adorning the front the back and back into two broad categories: what is
Credits, ie iron found in many titles and what is specific and thus an iron specific to a single title. It goes without saying that if we find in the future a second title with an iron currently ranked Specific, it will become an iron generate, manipulate that information technology makes it easy.
To date we have indexed more than 35 generic Recto irons and all that, if not more, irons generic Verso and we gave them a serial number. To illustrate, here's what would give more details about this book based on our study: DELHOMME (Ch) Fables de Florian.
Paris, Librairie Picturesque Youth, 1847. A volume in-8 ° (246 x 148) of 232 pp. Cardboard publisher, brown buckram. Duplex No. 11, No. 18 Back, back flute player with specific attributes and music.
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Decor volute, branches and birds included a pergola garden. Obviously central styled irons or specific flanked by two chapels on either flower vases or characters. Top washbasin flowers and two birds. Downstairs in the central entablature, scrolls and foliage. Mosaic or not.
width iron (entablature): 116
Height: 191
Today we know six different titles that carry the iron with some variations. The Iron
Verso No. 18 is known to us in three editions Florian. On one of them it appears not on the back but the front of the book.
Finally to show the diversity of the study we also have another cardboard Romantic Florian even edited by Delhomme which also has a face No. 11 but a back and a back completely different, both are probably generic determinations underway.
Independently of this study focused on the irons we will jointly create a website listing all Cartonnages Romantics. We have flagged more than 1,000 in all formats and distributed between Regionalism, Travel, Literature or Fiction, History, Religion, Childish, Natural Sciences and Varia. This site should be operational before the end of 2011.
The reasons for the dispersion of iron between different editors, different titles and different dates are still quite mysterious. Who commanded and paid the irons? Editor? the binder? Nobody knows. Probably the publisher. Presumably the chains after a first use were retained by large
bookbinding as Lenègre, Mame, or Lehuby Engel is what seems most logical, but nothing confirmed. One can find iron used in 1844 for example on the front of a book published by the Y, Z bookbinder and return the same iron on back ten years later with another publisher, or another binder. Or were they stored? We should not destroy all that according to some documents piecemeal, one can assume that the price of an iron (design, engraving, pressing with use of gold) accounted for more than half the price of total cost of a copy.
Who decided to reuse? Making matters more, some chains are composite, made up of several elements, some elements taken individually partly on certain dishes and mixed with other elements.
Over the days we will publish on this blog our worksheets on Generic Front, Back and Back. They are imperfect and it is with humility and pleasure that we welcome your comments and additions. You can let us know on our mail:
Bernard MAMY
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