Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mount&blade Generator Kodów

Cardboard Romance. Generic Iron Front No. 5

Iron unsigned, but Lenegre (Rel) sometimes on some front.
Decor composite of four separate chains forming a central location for the title. At the top, center, scrolls and foliage baluster form covered by a pagoda roof flanked by two toddlers. On the sides, chapels entablature, columns surrounded by branches. They contain flower vases or characters. At the bottom, center, flanked by mud angels on an entablature with other angels. Mosaic or not.
Width (al'entablement): 108
Height: 210

Met on the following books:
1. Saillet (Alexander) Young French people of all ages. Paris, P.-C.-Lehuby nd a large volume in-8 ° (260x160). Mosaic and non-mosaic. Characters in the chapels.
2. BASSANVILLE (Countess of) The Evening and the Morning of Life or advice to young girls. Paris, Desesserts nd a large volume in-8 ° (260x160). No mosaic.
3.SIVRY (ML of) Rome and Southern Italy. Walks and pilgrimages followed by a brief description of Sicily. Paris, Belin-Leprieur, nd a large volume in-8 ° (260x160). No mosaic.
4. [SIVRY (ML)] The Simplon and northern Italy. Walks and pilgrimages. Paris, Belin-Leprieur, nd a large volume in-8 ° (260x160). No mosaic.

can alternatively be noted that unlike the No. 1 Saillet the other three have cardboard flower vases in the chapels.


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