I write this "post" from Montreal, where we came from five days. Ah yes, the trip is over! As I fallen behind in my stories, but I will continue to feed the blog to tell after the end of our adventure. It makes me keep the head in Asia, and possibly avoid the shock of return is too brutal ...
We're not quite back to normal, since we have not returned our house, our tenants are still there for two weeks. We live with a friend who lent us his flat in his absence. This was the price to pay to rent our house for the entire period of our journey, which we were assured of regular cash flow to pay expenses of our home. Here are my first
-My street and my neighbors -Maple syrup, wine-;
and-stick good cheese; -milk;
-cereals for breakfast;
"My popcorn machine; -cereals for breakfast;
-bed comfortable (even if it is not mine ...);
Montreal!: the clean, green, civility, peace, movement easy and safe (I was the first to cry against the lack of civility and cons of the racers, and I found some parts of the city too concrete, but everything is relative ... From what I saw and experienced in Asia, my city gives me the impression of an oasis of calm, and Montrealers seem to me to master the art of etiquette.)
-My bike; Montreal!: the clean, green, civility, peace, movement easy and safe (I was the first to cry against the lack of civility and cons of the racers, and I found some parts of the city too concrete, but everything is relative ... From what I saw and experienced in Asia, my city gives me the impression of an oasis of calm, and Montrealers seem to me to master the art of etiquette.)
-Jean Coutu (not my practice to advertise, but it's true!) -My wardrobe;

Now that the trip is over, what will I miss Being with my girls 24/24, 7 / 7;
-The lack of time, the ability to do what you want when he wants and go wherever you want; -The absence of routine
-Discoveries, the novelty each day;
-encounters with people of all backgrounds; -Discoveries, the novelty each day;
-Art, beauty in buildings, clothing traditional, common objects;
-life cheap (including massage 5 or $ 10);
-Not having to do household.
What I will not miss:
Being with my girls 24/24, 7 / 7;
-Paquette and carry backpacks;
The-leaky plumbing and bathrooms wet (
no shower curtain);
-Power outages and water outages hot-
Do not understand what people say about me;
-View of poor children;
-Sputum ;
-traffic chaotic and dangerous
-Eat all day at the restaurant.
You notice that the same point back in the sections "What I will miss" and "What will not fail." This is not an error. Rubbing our children constantly is both the most wonderful thing and most difficult, on a trip like ours. I think Marianne and Emily are children rather wise and easygoing, but our patience often been strained. By cons, those months of shared discoveries have brought us together incredibly. I will talk at greater length ... The journey continues on
The chopsticks in the air!
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