Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Olay Generis Vs Garnier

Farewell to Vietnam

We finished our long stay (two months!) in Vietnam in the Mekong Delta, the region in the extreme south of the country where the great river, which originates in the glaciers of the Himalayas, flows into the South China Sea via multiple ramifications.
The region is crisscrossed by canals used by the population to move. In fact, people are literally living on the canals, in houses on stilts or in houseboats. We traveled in small or large boats on the canals, and visited the picturesque floating markets in the region.

People live on stilts over the water ...

... or just plain water, in houseboats.

The snake out to tourists.

After three days in the corner (Can Tho and Chau Doc), we left Vietnam in the Mekong River back to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. On our beautiful wooden boat, we passed the time chatting with a nice "granny" French, who drew with girls. For a couple of border formalities and presto! we changed countries. The head of the cruise we were led to believe that we of the crap at the border because we could not find the famous "map out" who we had been given to our arrival (we were supposed to keep it two months? No idea where it was picked up ...). Finally, it cost us a big $ 12 more for the Vietnamese leave us out of their homes. Fortunately, the visa for Cambodia was the cheapest of all the countries we visited ($ 60 for the whole family, compared $ 240 for Vietnam!).
After two months in Vietnam, we were not averse to a change of scenery. We saw beautiful places, met interesting people, but we also had some time to discover through this country and its inhabitants, which we liked less (see among others
this post and the

it, about the traffic). Our stay was not an easy one, but definitely rewarding.

floating market near Can Tho

Meat? Fish?


Dragon Fruit! Our favorites!

Marianne and Emily are still receiving gifts: woven banana leaves.

Marianne fail to bite into the jackfruit with his teeth in less ... Lotus flowers

The most hilarious scene we've seen. When we take their animals for children ...

We left Chau Doc by this curious vehicle to catch the boat

Beautiful meeting on boat to Cambodia

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Install Pokemon Red Ti-84

The backpack girl

I was in a chic department store in Saigon, before a cosmetics counter, with his hand in a jar of cream $ 60, to wonder: will I really pay the equivalent of three nights for a jar of cream of my day? Before going further, a caveat: male readers may find this text futile and uninteresting. It deals with the vicissitudes of backpacking, with a small budget, for a woman. He evokes the difficulty of just a VERY small closet for eight months and not being able to count on our jars of fragrant concoctions to lift our spirits after a hard day. Nothing to interest men ... But I know the readers will understand and sympathize with me.
I limited my personal effects up for this trip. When we have to drag a first aid kit to the size of a box of 12, textbooks, children's books, coloring books, pencils and other colors that make a pile 10 cm high, a computer, three cameras and a bag full of chargers and son, plus clothing and footwear essential for four people (walking shoes, street shoes, sandals, raincoats, fleece, etc..) in two backpacks and a small cabin bag, there remains not much room for vanity. (And I forget: a bed net, a game of Uno, travel towels, flashlights, a clothesline, etc..). That does not leave much room for the memories, which is why we returned to Montreal in the mail five packages, plus a big bag left with my sister in law, came to spend the Christmas holidays with us in Thailand.

Initially, I had in my bag two dresses, two pairs of pants, two skirts, five tops, a jacket, plus warm clothing which we needed in Nepal, in northern Vietnam and northern Yunnan, China. In good traveler, I did not bring jeans: it's heavy, it washes easily by hand, it takes forever to dry ... Then, in Kathmandu, when it was between 10 and 15 degrees, I could not stand to walk into town pants outdoors. So I bought jeans Nepal (which I then sent in a parcel when it started to go 40 degrees in the south of Vietnam). I bought more new clothes along the way, but I returned the same amount in Montreal (as Marco and girls). At least there was some rotation, it has not had the same thing on his back throughout the journey ...
Items Beauty, I brought in smaller sizes that I replaced along the way - I'm not such a great consumer of beauty products, anyway. But I brought a big pot of my moisturizer with sunscreen, to whom I trusted for years to protect my skin red. It still took six months - and it would have longer if my boyfriend had not used in secret ... But once arrived at the bottom of the pot, I reviewed the options: to blow the budget by buying the same cream, or find an alternative. The problem is that throughout Asia, most moisturizers - Especially the less expensive - contain bleaching agents. I had a text on the subject in Thailand to Protect You
; the same thing in Vietnam, where people have yet much clearer skin. I do not want a cream that whitens the skin. In the supermarket where I first looked, there was not one without cream bleach. So I just had to buy cream for $ 60? No, I resisted, and after much research, I am folded on sunscreen for the face, to $ 8.

Anyway, no need to spend a fortune in cosmetics: my skin has never been so beautiful that during this trip. Is the stress of 9 to 5 and the cold of Montreal were particularly bad for my skin? Or is it that while traveling, the heat and lack of time have a beneficial effect? We will return if I still need $ 60 cream - and especially if I still afford to pay me ...

activities good for the complexion:

Bicycle in rice fields in Tam Coc, Vietnam

Nap on a junk in Halong Bay

Sandcastle at Paradise Resort in South Vietnam

Sea Kayaking in Paradise Resort

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rotel ,velveeta And Pasta

Back in real life!

I write this "post" from Montreal, where we came from five days. Ah yes, the trip is over! As I fallen behind in my stories, but I will continue to feed the blog to tell after the end of our adventure. It makes me keep the head in Asia, and possibly avoid the shock of return is too brutal ...

We're not quite back to normal, since we have not returned our house, our tenants are still there for two weeks. We live with a friend who lent us his flat in his absence. This was the price to pay to rent our house for the entire period of our journey, which we were assured of regular cash flow to pay expenses of our home. Here are my first
reactions post-landing: I am happy to be back: -My family-My friends
-My street and my neighbors -Maple syrup, wine-;
and-stick good cheese;
-cereals for breakfast;
"My popcorn machine;
-bed comfortable (even if it is not mine ...);
Montreal!: the clean, green, civility, peace, movement easy and safe (I was the first to cry against the lack of civility and cons of the racers, and I found some parts of the city too concrete, but everything is relative ... From what I saw and experienced in Asia, my city gives me the impression of an oasis of calm, and Montrealers seem to me to master the art of etiquette.)
-My bike;
-Jean Coutu (not my practice to advertise, but it's true!) -My wardrobe; -Nannies.
Now that the trip is over, what will I miss Being with my girls 24/24, 7 / 7;
-The lack of time, the ability to do what you want when he wants and go wherever you want;
-The absence of routine
-Discoveries, the novelty each day;
-encounters with people of all backgrounds;

-Art, beauty in buildings, clothing traditional, common objects;
-life cheap (including massage 5 or $ 10);
-Not having to do household.

What I will not miss:

Being with my girls 24/24, 7 / 7;
-Paquette and carry backpacks;
The-leaky plumbing and bathrooms wet (
no shower curtain);
-Power outages and water outages hot-
Do not understand what people say about me;
-View of poor children;
-Sputum ;
-traffic chaotic and dangerous
-Eat all day at the restaurant.

You notice that the same point back in the sections "What I will miss" and "What will not fail." This is not an error. Rubbing our children constantly is both the most wonderful thing and most difficult, on a trip like ours. I think Marianne and Emily are children rather wise and easygoing, but our patience often been strained. By cons, those months of shared discoveries have brought us together incredibly. I will talk at greater length ... The journey continues on
The chopsticks in the air!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Diagram Of Aspiration Pnuemonia

Around the carousel

If you ask Marianne and Emily they chose Vietnam, they will reply in unison: "The rides! "

Any self-respecting Vietnamese city has a small park with rides for children. When we discovered in Hanoi for the first time, not far from our hotel, the girls were jubilant. Plus, I think there were more rides and games than usual because of the Vietnamese New Year (February 14), while all children were on leave.

As I said earlier, there is almost no free playgrounds where children can move and unleash their crazy Vietnam. There are however many rides, which must be paid between 5000 and 10,000 VND (0.60 to $ 1.25) per turn, which is still a large sum for the middle class Vietnamese. To entertain their children, parents must pay, and the park in which the patent brats do any exercise. But for us, it's still a lot cheaper than day at La Ronde. And as we impose our daughters several long journeys on this trip, it was decided that, whenever we would see a carousel, they have the right to go. girls, especially Emily, have become experts in the art of identifying the rides (Emily has always been very good to locate parks, which earned him the nickname "eagle eye"). They have rides carousels, small trains, planes, helicopters, large or small wheels, bumper cars, motorcycles, electric sessions jump in inflatable games, etc.. The largest amusement park Saigon, we even traveled by boat to the land of dinosaurs (in a shed plunged into darkness, articulated dinosaurs came out of the bushes screaming).
The promise of a ride was a great way for girls to accept the less pleasant moments for them (a long bus ride, a museum visit, stop at a travel agency to make reservations, a meeting of school work, etc..). Have been found in some other countries (Thailand, Cambodia, Laos), but never more so than in Vietnam.
I think that's what they miss most once you will be returned to Montreal. We consider also installing a carousel at Jarry Park. Vietnam will import it the best model we tested: one that works with a fan installed on the edge of the roof ...

Emily A round wooden horse with a Vietnamese friend. Observe, on the edge of the roof, the fan that powers the carousel. The rides are less sophisticated than in Tam Coc Hanoi ...

Carousel Tours in Hanoi

could nevertheless, it was found inflatable games!

They took a ride, but no balls ...

At Sapa, this huge bamboo swing took the place of amusement ride for children. And it was free!

During our hike in the mountains near Sapa, the girls discovered the game of village children: slip into a hill on a concrete crushed water bottle. Hard to the ass!

Other mounts for Émilie.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Fujitsu Pestel Analysis

Vietnam in Saigon between bitumen and green

We arrived in Saigon at 5am on a Sunday after a night train. Obviously, our hotel room was not ready yet. So we left our luggage and went exploring the city. So early, the large park of 23 September, not far away, was full of old people who were doing their tai chi or who were training on exercise equipment installed under the tall trees.

Marianne is also trying exercise machines, to untie

legs after a night train.
Note: in almost all parks in Vietnam, there are exercise machines for adults, but very rarely games for children. To amuse the children there are rides in places where you have to pay, and are thus reserved for the wealthiest. For poor children, nothing. So good for communism! Besides, it's the same thing in China ...

So we found it very nice to see the sun rise on those seniors who stood in shape. We chatted with some of them, the girls ran, it was relaxing. Then, suddenly, one of the gentlemen who were talking we served a warning: "You see those two men there? They watch you from earlier to steal your camera. When you leave, take the other direction. "Another gentleman has even yelled something to get out. It's true we had read on several forums travelers stories of tourists who had been robbed, and have even been injured because the thieves were pulling down their backpacks. Here, all our carelessness has fallen. And I bet, for the first time since the start of the journey to bring money and credit cards inside my clothes - like Marco's wallet was stolen in Hanoi, I am the only to have cards.

We were on our guard, but it does eventually nothing untoward happened in Saigon, that we have loved for that matter, despite the noise and traffic from hell. We especially liked its large parks, where people flee to find a little peace and freshness. When we continued our tour on Sunday after our arrival, we found ourselves in another park where young people were taking guitar lessons in the open air, where Scouts learned to go camping in the city, where girls, all dressed similarly, had a dance in front of their admiring parents. Further, craft booths were set up for children. There was a single playground for children, crumbling but stormed by dozens of screaming toddlers - and increasingly large, as noted by our friend Dominique, who lives in Vietnam for a year with his Vietnamese bride.

Emily shows the beautiful necklace she had made the workroom.

the evening, the parks are filled and lively: when dissipates the heat of the day, young and old are the work-out or fast walking, dancing salsa or waltz or even play da cau (kind of badminton which is played with a big hit with the flying feet). People invited us to We join in their games. As if we were in a small village, not in a huge city of 8 million.

Emily and Marianne are taught salsa in a park in Saigon.

Saigon to the top of a Ferris wheel.
Marianne likes to try on wigs in a Saigon market.