Thursday, May 20, 2010

Monistat 7 On Clitoral Hood


In Vietnam, we paid a few times by plane, train and private cars, instead of taking the bus. Luxury? No, a need to increase our chances of survival and reduce our stress levels. I've already talked about: the traffic in Vietnam is crazy, and bus drivers are the craziest of them all. The few trips we did on the bus gave us heart palpitations. You see, the drivers of buses and trucks seem to continually play a little game: they drive on the median line, and when a vehicle arrives in the opposite direction, they give a swerve at the last moment. Ah, ah! Very fun! Whoever wins the last cup. And this is in addition to the excesses which are anyhow, anywhere I can still remember the times we saw happen right in front of us a bus overtaking a truck in our path . And our own bus could not pull to the right, because there was a line of bikes that rolled onto the shoulder. It is still a miracle that made an accident was narrowly avoided. Moreover, these are the miracles that take place of traffic in this country. The vehicles have a small support specially installed on the front bumper to receive incense sticks, lit for the protection of Buddha or the ancestors ...
But miracles do not happen always, we witnessed five motorcycle accident in two months. No wonder: there are too many bikes to the amount of roads, judgments do not exist, people often drive without helmets, three, four, sometimes five per gear, they have no headlights at night, no mirrors and strange practices. Some examples: When a rider commits an artery to the right, he does not even cast a glance to his left to see if a vehicle arrives, it is the moving vehicle already on the artery must give way. If the bike is committed to the artery to the left and that vehicles arriving from the left, this is not a reason to stop: the bike rolling in the opposite for a few meters, the time to find his window of opportunity to take his path ... So if you are cycling, you sometimes find yourself face to face with a motorcycle that was traveling in the wrong direction, and it is up to us to pack!
was still dared to rent bikes (sccoters) a few times, but not in large cities. The first time in Tam Coc, when I took a motorcycle, with only Marianne and Emily, go to the ATM in the nearby town, I had one hand on the brake and one hand on the horn! It does not give much time to admire the scenery ...
When we saw a serious accident happen before our eyes, we realized what we were in a collision. We were the only tourists in the small beach of My Khe, we ate on a terrace one evening when, BANG!, Face-to-face between two bikes, carrying three people, obviously without helmets. One of the drivers probably cut the corner turning left and did not see the other bike, which probably had no headlights. In no time, there was a crowd around the wounded moaned. And there, no one intervened to help the injured! All onlookers gathered around were content to watch and comment. Chinh, a Vietnamese woman married to a French, who was with us at this time, we explained that yes, that's how it goes: people will notify the family, and that the family of s 'take care of its wounded. The witnesses do nothing, they fear being accused of having worsened the injury ... They also fear that their bike stolen while they are busy helping the victims.
Precisely, we saw families of wounded and come running, bluntly, taking the victims (who looked very very banged up, one of them unconscious) and sit on a motorcycle, wedged between the driver and another passenger, to get to the hospital in the city nearby, about 20 kilometers. And the restaurant next door, there were several customers with large 4X4 vehicles: none of them volunteered to go driving the injured to hospital ... Really, there are things in Vietnamese culture that I bristle.


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