It's been over seven months we travel. It's great, it was lucky, I know. Yes, I appreciate very much. But I confess: there are moments, even full days, where I would pay much for coming home, in my business, where everything is simple and predictable. If you think it is always easy, think again! Every week or so, we landed in a new city is not known, we must find where to sleep, eat. When moving to another country is: new currency, new prices, new language, new food ... Our budget does not allow us to sleep in palaces. 5 star hotels, it is not known, descending instead into the 0 star or less ... So that we are often faced with the inconvenience. And that gives rise to a few swear words, when, for example:
-clothes washing back and still missing panties;
-clothes back washing, all the panties are there, but ... also stains;
-I wash clothes in the hotel room, but they do not dry because it is too wet (Nepal);
-I turn the switch and ... nothing, YET a power outage; 
-I turn the faucet and the water poured on my feet ( and I'm not in the shower, but before sink!) -I break a nail package STILL backpacks;
-I go around the neighborhood (the old Hanoi) for two hours to find three things - buffers, scissors for children and sunscreen - because I do not know the stores (that it would have taken me a minute and a half at Jean Coutu ...); -I am selling sunscreen questionable for obscure astronomical price in a store, only to realize later that the tube is half empty-
I'm shopping for children's scissors because Marianne has left his family in his backpack when we have flown in Burma and they were confiscated by security - the safety scissors!;
we find a way to lose one of our few possessions in a large room like a pocket handkerchief; -
should settle in a room the size of a handkerchief because we did not find anything more affordable, and there are sacred because they are battery on the feet; 
-There is a power outage, it is 40 degrees, suffocating in the room but no AC can not open the windows because the beds without nets (Cambodia); -Looking silence and can not find anywhere;
-I like eating poutine; -A saleswoman water is harassing me to buy a bottle of water, I replied that I did not need and she answers "Why not?" by continuing to follow me for 100 meters;
"I am unable to pronounce the name of the street where I live, because he has too many consonants and not enough vowels
- At the restaurant of our hotel, no one speaks English, there is no English menu, and even looking at the pictures, to not understand what is available (in China);
"I'm sick and I does not understand the drug with a tiger on the box that the pharmacist sells me (in China) (Is this what made me even sicker? I never know ...);
-I have to use filthy public toilets, which have obviously not been cleaned for weeks (in China);
-Neighbors of the next room are the party, the bed is too hard, and I get a stiff neck because the pillow is too big (That Ah! I can not wait to find my bed!).
I know there are worse problems than mine, especially in countries that we visit. I am also regularly shaken when I see children working or begging. And I should not have to formalize plumbing problems when I travel in countries where half the population has no running water or toilets, sometimes not even electricity. I complain on a full stomach. (But Asia is really a crying need for a plumber, or just someone who could give them the stuff of pipe "U" under the sink, which prevents bad smells coming up ...) In
Also, I should count myself lucky: we have hardly seen bugs in our rooms, in eight months of travel. Only three times cockroaches (Vietnam and Laos). The meeting was the most unpleasant one with a scorpion in the bathroom of our bungalow of bamboo at the edge Sea in Thailand. It was three o'clock in the morning, there was no electricity, I was barefoot and I did not have my glasses. My boyfriend woke up in disaster and heard my cry come to settle his case ...
But hey, I have the right to whine a little about my condition nomad limited budget ... It makes me feel good and allows me to let out steam!
Not always an easy life on the road ...
Fortunately, we pay sometimes luxuries as this afternoon at the pool a 5 star hotel in Vietnam on the banks of the Mekong.
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