Friday, May 28, 2010

Christian Church Anniversary Program Sample

The setbacks of the small nomadic budget

It's been over seven months we travel. It's great, it was lucky, I know. Yes, I appreciate very much. But I confess: there are moments, even full days, where I would pay much for coming home, in my business, where everything is simple and predictable. If you think it is always easy, think again! Every week or so, we landed in a new city is not known, we must find where to sleep, eat. When moving to another country is: new currency, new prices, new language, new food ... Our budget does not allow us to sleep in palaces. 5 star hotels, it is not known, descending instead into the 0 star or less ... So that we are often faced with the inconvenience. And that gives rise to a few swear words, when, for example:

-clothes washing back and still missing panties;
-clothes back washing, all the panties are there, but ... also stains; -I wash clothes in the hotel room, but they do not dry because it is too wet (Nepal);
-I turn the switch and ... nothing, YET a power outage;
-I turn the hot faucet and cold water is flowing;
-I turn the faucet and the water poured on my feet ( and I'm not in the shower, but before sink!) -I break a nail package STILL backpacks;
-I go around the neighborhood (the old Hanoi) for two hours to find three things - buffers, scissors for children and sunscreen - because I do not know the stores (that it would have taken me a minute and a half at Jean Coutu ...);

-I am selling sunscreen questionable for obscure astronomical price in a store, only to realize later that the tube is half empty-
I'm shopping for children's scissors because Marianne has left his family in his backpack when we have flown in Burma and they were confiscated by security - the safety scissors!; we find a way to lose one of our few possessions in a large room like a pocket handkerchief; -
should settle in a room the size of a handkerchief because we did not find anything more affordable, and there are sacred because they are battery on the feet;
-One is obliged to eat out even if you do not feel like going out;
-There is a power outage, it is 40 degrees, suffocating in the room but no AC can not open the windows because the beds without nets (Cambodia); -Looking silence and can not find anywhere;
-I like eating poutine;
-A saleswoman water is harassing me to buy a bottle of water, I replied that I did not need and she answers "Why not?" by continuing to follow me for 100 meters;

"I am unable to pronounce the name of the street where I live, because he has too many consonants and not enough vowels

- At the restaurant of our hotel, no one speaks English, there is no English menu, and even looking at the pictures, to not understand what is available (in China);

"I'm sick and I does not understand the drug with a tiger on the box that the pharmacist sells me (in China) (Is this what made me even sicker? I never know ...);

-I have to use filthy public toilets, which have obviously not been cleaned for weeks (in China);

-Neighbors of the next room are the party, the bed is too hard, and I get a stiff neck because the pillow is too big (That Ah! I can not wait to find my bed!).

I know there are worse problems than mine, especially in countries that we visit. I am also regularly shaken when I see children working or begging. And I should not have to formalize plumbing problems when I travel in countries where half the population has no running water or toilets, sometimes not even electricity. I complain on a full stomach. (But Asia is really a crying need for a plumber, or just someone who could give them the stuff of pipe "U" under the sink, which prevents bad smells coming up ...) In

Also, I should count myself lucky: we have hardly seen bugs in our rooms, in eight months of travel. Only three times cockroaches (Vietnam and Laos). The meeting was the most unpleasant one with a scorpion in the bathroom of our bungalow of bamboo at the edge Sea in Thailand. It was three o'clock in the morning, there was no electricity, I was barefoot and I did not have my glasses. My boyfriend woke up in disaster and heard my cry come to settle his case ...

But hey, I have the right to whine a little about my condition nomad limited budget ... It makes me feel good and allows me to let out steam!

Not always an easy life on the road ...

Fortunately, we pay sometimes luxuries as this afternoon at the pool a 5 star hotel in Vietnam on the banks of the Mekong.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Port Royale 2 Doet Het Niet

Ten Days in Paradise Road

Did I say that we stayed two months in Vietnam? Correction: we stayed two months, ten days. Because for ten days, we found ourselves outside of space and time, in a place called Paradise Resort. We were well in Vietnam, near the sea, 30 km north of the big glitzy resort of Nah Trang. But we were in a world apart. A small garden with bungalows, a deserted beach, a small fishing village at 500 meters, colorful boats rocked by waves, the sea breeze which replaces the air conditioning ... Depending on the day, we were between 6 and 20 people to stay in this little paradise.

It should however have to bear the presence of Vladimir, the owner. Colorful character, if there is one: 82 years of Croatian origin, who lived in Switzerland, the United States and I do not know where yet, father of four boys aged between 8 and 60 years ... Nice, except for his tendency to berate his staff and to want to meddle in the affairs of its residents ("Eat your salad, it's good for your health!", "You want a hot chocolate? But it is not time to take a hot chocolate! ").

We ate like kings at the Paradise Resort: seafood, fish, vegetables of the region, almost no rice, to change. And it cost us, for housing and meals, $ 40 per day for the whole family! With the sun, warm sea, a hammock, you understand that either remained ten days, and we must be parties to regret ...

But fortunately, we can go swimming after.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Monistat 7 On Clitoral Hood


In Vietnam, we paid a few times by plane, train and private cars, instead of taking the bus. Luxury? No, a need to increase our chances of survival and reduce our stress levels. I've already talked about: the traffic in Vietnam is crazy, and bus drivers are the craziest of them all. The few trips we did on the bus gave us heart palpitations.
You see, the drivers of buses and trucks seem to continually play a little game: they drive on the median line, and when a vehicle arrives in the opposite direction, they give a swerve at the last moment. Ah, ah! Very fun! Whoever wins the last cup. And this is in addition to the excesses which are anyhow, anywhere I can still remember the times we saw happen right in front of us a bus overtaking a truck in our path . And our own bus could not pull to the right, because there was a line of bikes that rolled onto the shoulder. It is still a miracle that made an accident was narrowly avoided. Moreover, these are the miracles that take place of traffic in this country. The vehicles have a small support specially installed on the front bumper to receive incense sticks, lit for the protection of Buddha or the ancestors ...
But miracles do not happen always, we witnessed five motorcycle accident in two months. No wonder: there are too many bikes to the amount of roads, judgments do not exist, people often drive without helmets, three, four, sometimes five per gear, they have no headlights at night, no mirrors and strange practices. Some examples: When a rider commits an artery to the right, he does not even cast a glance to his left to see if a vehicle arrives, it is the moving vehicle already on the artery must give way. If the bike is committed to the artery to the left and that vehicles arriving from the left, this is not a reason to stop: the bike rolling in the opposite for a few meters, the time to find his window of opportunity to take his path ... So if you are cycling, you sometimes find yourself face to face with a motorcycle that was traveling in the wrong direction, and it is up to us to pack!
was still dared to rent bikes (sccoters) a few times, but not in large cities. The first time in Tam Coc, when I took a motorcycle, with only Marianne and Emily, go to the ATM in the nearby town, I had one hand on the brake and one hand on the horn! It does not give much time to admire the scenery ...
When we saw a serious accident happen before our eyes, we realized what we were in a collision. We were the only tourists in the small beach of My Khe, we ate on a terrace one evening when, BANG!, Face-to-face between two bikes, carrying three people, obviously without helmets. One of the drivers probably cut the corner turning left and did not see the other bike, which probably had no headlights. In no time, there was a crowd around the wounded moaned. And there, no one intervened to help the injured! All onlookers gathered around were content to watch and comment. Chinh, a Vietnamese woman married to a French, who was with us at this time, we explained that yes, that's how it goes: people will notify the family, and that the family of s 'take care of its wounded. The witnesses do nothing, they fear being accused of having worsened the injury ... They also fear that their bike stolen while they are busy helping the victims.
Precisely, we saw families of wounded and come running, bluntly, taking the victims (who looked very very banged up, one of them unconscious) and sit on a motorcycle, wedged between the driver and another passenger, to get to the hospital in the city nearby, about 20 kilometers. And the restaurant next door, there were several customers with large 4X4 vehicles: none of them volunteered to go driving the injured to hospital ... Really, there are things in Vietnamese culture that I bristle.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Sudden Extreme Nausea

Ah! The cleaning of the bathroom ...

It's been awhile since it had not happened: sweaty, four-leg in the bathroom with a cloth and a cleaner, now rub ... We do not go to luxury hotels, but here, really, this place was worse than worse, and I could not remember when I saw dirt everywhere, the rag (actually, it was the carpet bath) and the container of detergent (left in the room, but had apparently not been used).

Normally, we would never put our backpacks in such a chamber. We may have a limited budget, we do not compromise on cleanliness, usually. But to stay in the village of My Khe Beach, we had two options: one room dirty, ugly and depressing to $ 30, or a room dirty, ugly and depressing to $ 8. The room was $ 30 maybe a little less dirty, but the staff was extremely unpleasant, and at this price, it was theft. It was therefore found in the room at $ 8, and me on all fours in the bathroom trying to scrub the tile, sink, toilet (YAAARK!). But the worst was the bed that reeked of dampness. OUAACH! Finally, there is that Marco and I who were inconvenienced; girls, they were playing in their camp surrounded by a bed net. And we must say that we have encountered no sound hacker on the scene - a good point.

We were in this village to visit the memorial of

My Lai, but also to enjoy the beautiful white sand beach. She was beautiful, indeed, and just in front of our room. But what a waste: it was littered with trash! He had to walk to reach the waste water. To find it beautiful, it was beyond the tide line - the line of garbage - and not look back. This beach is not cleaned until there will be no foreign tourists, but there will be no foreign tourists as the beach is not cleaned ... Damage. They even built a paved walkway along the beach, with Parisian-style street lamps in wrought iron (rusting already), but the place is disfigured by waste. The country would need an operation ONET - remember cleaning the banks of the St. Lawrence River from Quebec students in 1985? In fact, the whole of Asia would need an operation "Continent-net". It makes me laugh when I see environmental projects that work on the dangers of climate change. Should First, start with garbage, picking up garbage, composting, and some basic education.

The room that I was "allowed" to reconnect with the cleaning the bathroom (I missed it so !...)

The magnificent deserted beach of My Khe (I'll spare you the piles of waste)