I think any economy is good, even if only a few pennies ... after all, a stamp is issued 59 cents, time to blink and learn that it made $ 1!
When you receive a letter with a stamp (I know it is increasingly rare), see if the stamp was stamped. If no ink has touched the stamp, you can remove it and reuse it on a future cover. It does not stick much? It's not serious, stick it with glue stick or cover it with tape ... it still works! I recycled a lot of bells as well. Even one who was Unstickable, I cut around with paper and glue on an envelope, the mail lady at the counter did not question.
Another trick, if the famous stamp receipt was stamped, there are ways to make money with it is just longer. Cut across the corner of the envelope and keep it. When you have accumulated several, say 50, you can sell them to collectors of stamps! These will be delighted to take off and add to their collections. It sells very well. If you're self-employed or have access to post office, you could quickly accumulate hundreds and really make a tidy profit. Sell them on the classifieds kijiji ... or in specialty stores stamps.
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