Monday, January 4, 2010

Belladonna Cove Gallery

recently fired after being expressed at the last GA, Emily Van Laer is never that 19 e used to be dismissed from MRAX or escape it, since the accession to the presidency Radouane Bouhlal it five years ago.

  • Carole Grandjean, director, resigned (2004)
  • Keirsbilck Marie Van, deputy director, resigned (2005) Pierre-Arnaud
  • Perrouty, lawyer, resigned (2005) Marianne
  • GRATIA, lawyer, resigned ( 2005)
  • BERGALLOU Omar, leader, resigned (2005)
  • Karim Cherrad, communication, resigned (2005) Luc
  • Malghem, communication, harassment complaint, dismissed (2006)
  • Aurélie Leroy, communication, graduate (2006)
  • Christophe Delanghe, lawyer, career break (2008)
  • Marco PAULSEN, animation, resigned (2008)
  • Mohcine BAYNE, lawyer, resigned (2009)
  • Gino EBWELE, deputy director, dismissed (2009)
  • Innocent HIGIRO, administrative and financial manager, resigned (2009)
  • Patricia MATABISI, webmaster has resigned (2008)
  • Erdem Resnais, responsible communications, resigned (2009)
  • Aisha Ayari, animation, harassment complaint, contract not renewed (2009)
  • Laela GHOZZI, entertainment, licensed (2009)
  • LAVELEYE Didier, director, harassment complaint, dismissed for misconduct (2009) Emily Van
  • LAER, lawyer, graduate (2009)
  • ?? (2010)
11 directors have also left their positions in office.

  • Paul Dahan, Administrator, resigned (2005)
  • ESSEFIANI Raja, administrator, resigned (2005)
  • Zakia KHATTABI, Administrator, resigned (2006)
  • HENGCHEN Bernard, Administrator, resigned (2007)
  • Abderrahmane Cherrad, Administrator, resigned (2008)
  • Blanmailland France, director resigned (2009)
  • Michel Staszewski, Administrator, resigned (2009) François De Smet
  • , Administrator, resigned (2009)
  • Nordine Saidi, Director, Office of excluded (2009)
  • Abdullah Mohammad, director, resigned (2009)
  • Fatima AHALLOUCH , Administrator (Local Mouscron), resigned (2009)
Let 30 departures willy-nilly in five years. An amazing turn-over for an association occupying 12 full-time equivalents. Who will be the following?


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