Friday, May 22, 2009

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Homeopathy to treat disorders of children and adults alike!

Since the arrival of our baby, I discovered the homeopathic company Boiron .
I do not believe in the virtues of these products before trying them myself. I received samples at room maternity / paternity and when my daughter started painfully pierce his first tooth, I thought to give him. It seemed to me that it had done him good, although it is not easy to check:)
So, I continued to give him and when I got up all my samples I went to the raid at the pharmacy. That's when I discovered the extent of their products and I started to buy for me. I've had good results and so it passed! I have full range at home and this is my first choice when visiting small problems ... and if it persists, I return to the normal chemical and heavy artillery.
small tour of the products I tried:
- CAMILIA treats pain caused by teething.
- Coryzalia for flow / nasal congestion, sneezing
- CICADERMA for wounds, insect bites, burns
- OSCILLOCOCCINUM fever, chills, body aches, headache
- pollen allergy desensitization kit seasonal
- Stodal cough dry or oily
I have a favorite Stodal for ... Finally a "syrup" safe for the baby's cough ... and it worked fine for mine too! I know they also make a cream for diaper rash and a product against collic, but since I'm not needed I have not tested.
I would recommend them ...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

How To Play Pirates Of Caribbean On Guitar

Hiring a makeup artist to add wow to your party! Pencils

Sometimes that is in charge of organizing an event, be it a birthday party, a wedding anniversary, a baptism, wedding or even an event Corporate. Obviously, our goal is that guests enjoy themselves and are happy to be present. To do this, create events, different situations of everyday life that will generate memories ...
An excellent way to do that, especially when many children will attend, is to use the services of a professional makeup artist. That's what I did when my husband's birthday on May 2.
I've had nothing but positive comments! The children were delighted and the parents appreciated having a little respite:) Regarding tariffs, the first time is more expensive, then the following hours are much cheaper. It Remember that the makeup has to move and bring all his equipment! You can make special requests when booking, as children make balls or wear a costume. Many also offer the option to make temporary tattoos hair brush, which is of advantage enjoyed adult or adolescent, as for a burial of bachelorhood!
Here are the details of one I started:

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Shota Manga Online Archive

original, beautiful and especially ... Greener!

Everyone knows that we must change our habits every day to make gestures more and more "green" to ensure a fairer world bequeath to our children ... here's a new way to linger through the purchase of craft supplies!

These pencils are a favorite for me, so beautiful in their simplicity. They are made in the shape of river rocks, which allows young children to easily manipulate with their little fingers. Obviously, it is recommended to provide to children ages 3 + because they are small and could pose a choking hazard to infants.

Facts soy wax and tinted non-toxic powder from natural minerals, these pencils have vibrant colors! Depending on the angle you hold them, you can get thin or broad strokes. Made in the USA, sold in packs of 16 in a small pocket of tissue. Great gift idea;)
Visit the rest of the vendor's site to discover lots of green products originals!