Monday, February 16, 2009

The Training O Streaming

Busnomades The project ... From Namur March 19!

Association for Children's Hymn-Belgium asbl
Street Cemetery, 194 6464 Forges

The "bus Nomads" is to drive a minibus
Ouahigouya north-west of Burkina Faso through the Africa.

To allow children to embrace the world NOMA
Noma Children are children excluded, hidden children, children released ...
There, a vehicle would make them travel together, bring them to town or market, giving them the opportunity to mingle with the
crowd, to be integrated into everyday life, to feel the "children of Noma admitted."

To open the world to the children of Noma.
During the trip to Burkina Faso, the minibus will collect the materials needed to educate people and prevent disease throughout the country traversed, and especially the countries affected by noma.

Who is behind this project?
Founded in Switzerland in 1995, the Anthem Foundation for Children is committed since 1997 in Switzerland and Burkina Faso in the fight against Noma, gangrene that destroys flesh and bone parts of the face. In 1999 the Foundation opened a shelter Ouahigouya in Burkina Faso. In 2002, the Association of Children's Hymn to Belgium is founded, is headquartered in Chimay.

Vandenberghe Cecilia is the secretary-Namur ESND for over 30 years. Following a trip to Africa in 2000 she was aware of the health problems facing children in Africa. She decided to invest in a humanitarian project to help children who contracted noma in Burkina Faso, through the Association's Hymn for Children.
As such, it has made two trips to Burkina Faso,
and then organized exhibitions Photo to inform and raise awareness of this problem.

"The door is the human face. The one I caters more face, the one I
empty his humanity and I empty myself. "(Christian Bobin)

There 'was no time to lose for action!
There is still no time to lose to continue to act ...
... so there will be a mutilated face hidden in the shadows of shame and misunderstanding

Want to help?
Association for Children's Hymn-Belgium asbl
Street Cemetery, 194 6464 Forges
account No. 103-0144834-81 Communication "Mobile Bus"
Site Address: www.fhe
-mail Address: @
hymne.aux.enfants swing . be


0474.53.84.05 Cecile Vandenberghe
060 .. 21.89.37 Jean-Guy Maudoux


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