is no secret that there are thousands of different credit cards. Many stores have their own card home to retain their customers. All cards have their + and - and good for you is one you will feel like to get more for your money.
I studied the cards and I made my choice: Bonusdollars Visa Desjardins Gold Elegance type. The card cost me $ 20 per year and allows me to get 1% of the amount of my purchases "BONUSDOLLARS. With these, I can as well with other cards, buy show tickets or objects in a catalog. But the reason I chose this card is that I can convert my money into Desjardins BONUSDOLLARS.
So BONUSDOLLA 1 = $ 1. I can use that money to make a payment on the mortgage or make an RRSP. That's interesting! Instead of rewarding me with a subject of catalgoue, I can make money on the mortgage and thereby saving interest. And if I want to spoil ... I then just allow me to buy a treat of my choice with my own money in an amount equivalent to I just put on the mortgage ..
It takes discipline, but it's worth the cost. On average, we manage to raise just over $ 400 per year BONUSDOLLARS .. Obviously we pay everything with the visa (it has 2 maps to the same account).
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