It's good to be prudent financially, everywhere, even when it comes time to give to good works. I always wanted to help, but the formulas proposed, such as World Vision seem far too engaging. Must be given a stipend every month for years ... again, I read reports saying that sometimes the money is diverted and the foundation takes a bigger profit announced, so ...
so I had always refrained .... until this morning. A friend told me about Kiva, a website offering entrepreneurs to apply for a loan allowing them to develop their business. Lenders (like me) can then lend them money (minimum U.S. $ 25), they will reimburse us little by little each month according to a schedule in advance. The money loaned to them reset to 100% and the loan is interest free. The organization asks for donations for separate management, but they are at the discretion of the lenders and not mandatory. For U.S. citizens, donations to the organization are tax deductible.
I chose to lend my $ 25 to Aida from Senegal to help his small business selling food. I possibly news of his progress throughout the loan. It should me completely repaid in July 2010. At that time, I can decide if I take my money or if I lend it to another person. Fun, simple, not too engaging ... I'm happy:)